Home / News / UAE / “Abu Dhabi Pension”: 99.8% of the monthly contributions collection rate during 2022. The fund has pursued developmental procedures and new projects

“Abu Dhabi Pension”: 99.8% of the monthly contributions collection rate during 2022. The fund has pursued developmental procedures and new projects

The Abu Dhabi Pension Fund revealed that the rate of collection of monthly retirement contributions due on time during 2022 amounted to 99.83%, as the fund’s work team succeeded in raising the indicator of collecting monthly contributions within the specified time, as a result of the fund’s adoption during the past year of a number of development measures and new projects.
Especially the smart subscriptions project, which contributed to raising the indicators of commitment to paying contributions.
In exclusive statements to Al-Khaleej, the Fund affirmed that it aims during the next stage to provide a global model of excellence, by launching a variety and continuous set of development initiatives in a way that enhances the culture of creativity, innovation and excellence, to provide the best in serving the country, and to achieve the vision and aspirations of the wise leadership. To absorb more improvement initiatives, to develop its human cadres, based on the belief that the human element is the main pillar towards the development of government work.
He called on the employers in the private sector, not to be slack in registering citizens joining new jobs with them, within a period not exceeding 10 days from the date of joining the work, stressing that in the event that the establishment or the employer slackened in registering the citizen employee with the fund, the citizen has the right to initiate registration himself to maintain his insurance rights, and to benefit from the insurance benefits provided by the fund.
He stated that the employer in the private sector is obligated to register its national employees during the training periods, in the event that there is an employment contract between the two parties that requires him to be appointed in this entity or obliges the trained employee to work for the employer if he successfully passes the training period, and is also obligated to pay contributions for Her employee who is on scholarship to study in the event that there is a work contract between the two parties, indicating that in this case the citizen is considered an employee subject to the provisions of Article 1 of Law No. 2 of 2000 regarding retirement pensions and benefits for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
He pointed out that there are conditions for registering citizens, the most important of which is that the age of the insured is not less than 18 years, and does not exceed the age of referral for retirement, one year for females, and 60 for males, and that he be medically fit to work upon appointment according to a medical report from the medical authority approved by the employer.
He stated that the period specified for registering the insured with the Fund is 10 working days from the date of his joining the work, and the employer must complete the registration process through the Fund’s website, and attach all the documents and data required to be completed, stressing that the application of the provisions of Law No. 2 of 2000 and its amendments is the official document. Prepared to prove the age of the insured, and issued by the competent authority in the country.
The Abu Dhabi Retirement Fund warned employers against the delay in the process of registering new employees who are citizens of the country, stressing that the employer’s payment of pension contributions for those who joined the work does not exempt it from additional amounts resulting from non-registration or delay in registering its employees with the fund, which amounts to 100 dirhams for Every day of delay according to the procedures followed, pointing out that the insured can follow up on the status of his application through the “Follow the status of your application” service available through the fund’s website and the smart phone application “Abu Dhabi Pension”, by entering the tracking and phone numbers.

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