Home / News / UAE / He launched the Dubai Economic Agenda with targets amounting to 32 trillion dirhams until 2033 Mohammed bin Rashid: The world makes way for those who know what they want

He launched the Dubai Economic Agenda with targets amounting to 32 trillion dirhams until 2033 Mohammed bin Rashid: The world makes way for those who know what they want

Yesterday, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, launched the Dubai Economic Agenda D33, which includes 100 transformational projects, with ambitious economic goals, seeking to double the size of Dubai’s economy during the next decade, leading to In 2033, and consolidating its position among the 3 best economic cities around the world. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: “Brothers and sisters.. In accordance with our annual habit on the fourth of January, by launching projects and programs that change our reality for the better.. We adopted today (yesterday) Thank God, the Dubai Economic Agenda for the next ten years «D33» .. Our goal is to double the size of Dubai’s economy during the next decade, and to be among the best 3 economic cities in the world.

His Highness stressed that: “Dubai’s economic agenda includes 100 transformational projects, the details of which will be announced … and total economic targets amounting to 32 trillion dirhams over the next ten years … and doubling our foreign trade, to reach 25 trillion dirhams during the next decade … and adding trade corridors to Dubai.” With 400 new cities around the world.

His Highness added: “Dubai will be among the most important 4 global financial centers, and our goal is to attract foreign direct investment, exceeding 650 billion dirhams within 10 years, and the current digital transformation will add 100 billion dirhams to Dubai’s economy annually .. Today we have more than 300 thousand investors in Dubai .. And I invite everyone to join our journey, to be one of the fastest growing cities in the world.

His Highness pointed out that «2033 is the year in which modern Dubai completes 200 years .. and 2033 is the year in which Dubai will be, God willing, the most important global economic center .. and 2033 is the year in which our economic journey «D33» will be completed .. we know our location The global economy during the coming years.. and the world makes way for those who know what they want.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s launch of the Dubai Economic Agenda 2033 follows his habit of unveiling transformative projects on the fourth of January every year, coinciding with the occasion of His Highness assuming the reins of power in the Emirate of Dubai.

An ideal investment climate

The Dubai Economic Agenda witnesses the launch of transformative and innovative projects that contribute to the consolidation of the strategic vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to make Dubai the best city in the world for living and working. The value of the total targets of the Dubai Economic Agenda amounts to 32 trillion dirhams until 2033, based on an ideal investment climate that enhances the strength of Dubai’s economy in innovative ways that contribute to achieving sustainable growth.

Dubai Economic Agenda D33 aspires to provide a unique experience in work and development, based on main axes embodied in skilled minds and ideas, advanced technology, and an economy based on innovation and knowledge.

The agenda seeks to enhance interaction with the components of the economic sector in Dubai and the UAE, raise the level of competitiveness, and develop the sustainable development process, by investing in the unique and distinguished strategic location of Dubai and its advanced infrastructure, so that it remains the preferred destination for major international companies. Dubai’s economic agenda, thanks to its strategic and proactive visions and plans, and the efforts of the national work teams, reinforces the position of the emirate’s economy as one of the most developed and flexible global economic models, more stable and immune to future crises and challenges.

Dubai is safer

The Dubai Economic Agenda D33 seeks to make Dubai the fastest, safest, and strongest link in the world, the most enabling location for national and international investments and companies, the world’s leading city in the digital economy, the center of the most diversified and productive sustainable economy, and the incubating and enabling environment for national skills, relying on that. Ambitious plans, the Emirate has provided all means to turn them into a tangible reality that stimulates economic growth, achieves unprecedented investment rates, and supports the trade and investment movement in Dubai.

Ambitious targets

Dubai Economic Agenda D33 carries ambitious targets that it works to achieve during the next decade, as it seeks to raise the total volume of foreign trade from 14.2 trillion dirhams in the past decade, to 25.6 trillion dirhams for goods and services for the next decade, and Dubai is based in achieving this on a wide network that extends To many countries of the world, and trade relations between the emirate and the rest of the world reflect Dubai’s success in developing these relations, as the foreign trade sector represents an essential tributary of Dubai’s economy, based on a long history, in which the emirate confirmed its position as a pivotal center for global trade.

direct foreign investment

The objectives of the Dubai Agenda 2033 include raising the contribution of foreign direct investment to the Dubai economy, from an average of 32 billion dirhams annually in the past decade, to an average of 60 billion dirhams annually for the next decade, with a total of 650 billion dirhams over the next ten years.

Dubai has succeeded in laying solid foundations for its relationship with the foreign investor, as a result of mutual trust that is established by several factors, including an infrastructure that is considered one of the highest in the world, flexible regulatory and legislative frameworks that take into account common interests with all investors, whether individuals or institutions, and a supportive environment. For innovation, research and development, and attracting distinguished talents and professional competencies from around the world, to give these factors together the partnership with investors, more solidity and strength that heralds more opportunities for growth and prosperity during the next stage, for the various investment activities on the land of Dubai.

government spending

The objectives of the Dubai Agenda 2033 seek to increase government spending, from 512 billion dirhams in the past decade, to 700 billion dirhams for the next decade, based on achieving this on the success of the Dubai government in laying a solid foundation for the emirate’s economy, and providing it with the flexibility and strength necessary to face all changes, through Increasing investments in future sectors, with

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