Home / News / UAE / UNCTAD: The UAE, the 23rd in the world, is among the largest fleets of merchant ships

UNCTAD: The UAE, the 23rd in the world, is among the largest fleets of merchant ships

The organization stated that the total commercial value of the global maritime fleet amounted to 1.36 trillion US dollars. China came first with a naval fleet worth $155 billion, Greece second with a value of $148 billion, Japan third with a value of $144.5 billion, the United States of America with a value of $86 billion, then Germany with a value of $81.6 billion, Singapore sixth with a value of $70.5 billion, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The United States with a value of $60.3 billion, Hong Kong with a value of $58.7 billion, Norway with a value of $56.3 billion, and South Korea with a value of $46 billion.

Then came Switzerland, Denmark, Taiwan, Bermuda, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Brazil, Monaco, and Turkey in positions from 11 to 20, respectively, then Indonesia with a value of $14 billion, and Russia with a value of $13 billion. The UAE was ahead of Belgium, whose naval fleet amounted to $11 billion, and Malaysia, with a value of $10.1 billion.

Multi fleet

The marine fleet owned by the UAE varies in its ports, through its commercial supply lines, and in the high seas, which is dedicated to exploration, drilling of oil wells, and transportation; The value of the UAE’s container transport fleet amounted to $1.65 billion, large tankers amounted to $3.25 billion, then oil tankers amounted to $3.12 billion, and the ships owned by the UAE in the great seas for oil exploration or offshore export operations amounted to $2.4 billion. ferries and passenger ships with a value of $37 million, gas carriers with a value of $857 million, general cargo carriers with a value of $169 million, and petrochemical tankers with a value of $632 million, which are in the form of ships to tow large tankers and supply and repair ships with a value of $235 million.

absorptive capacity

In terms of ownership of the global fleet according to the carrying capacity measured in heavy tons (ships carrying a national flag or foreign flags owned by the UAE), the UAE ranked 19th in the world with a marine fleet with a carrying capacity of 27.4 million heavy tons, which represents 1.26% of the total capacity. capacity of the global marine fleet.

The UAE owns 124 marine vessels carrying its flag, with a tonnage of more than 631.7 thousand tons. As for those carrying the flags of other countries, there are 954 vessels with a tonnage of about 26.6 million tons (1087 vessels carrying the flag of the Emirates and the flags of other countries).

The total tonnage of the global maritime fleet during the past year 2022 weighed 2.18 trillion tons, and Greece came first with a naval fleet capable of carrying a weight of 384.4 million tons, then China second with 278 million tons, Japan third, Singapore fourth, Hong Kong fifth, and South Korea, Germany, Bermuda, Norway, United Kingdom, United States of America, Taiwan, Denmark, Monaco, Switzerland, Turkey, Belgium and Indonesia are in positions 6 to 18.

The UAE surpassed many countries, most notably India, Russia, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Brazil, Canada, Malaysia, and other countries in terms of total marine tonnage.

Loading and unloading

In terms of the waiting time for unloading and loading of dry goods in the UAE, the average loading operations per ship was about 47.8 hours in 2022, compared to 34.6 hours in 2019, while the average waiting time for exit was 31.4 hours in 2022 compared to 109.7 hours in 2022. 2019.

While the filling capacity of huge oil tankers in the UAE reached 168.6 tons per minute. With regard to calls for the arrival of ships to the ports of the UAE and the average response time during 2021, Emirates Ports received approximately 7,228 calls for the arrival of ships, with a decrease of 5%.

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