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Elon Musk: I watch my children on social media… and 12 years of education is sufficient

Billionaire and technology entrepreneur Elon Musk saw that the long years of education for generations are no longer necessary, pointing to the possibility of reducing all years of education to 10 or 12 years.

In response to a question by Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Chairman of the World Government Summit Foundation, Musk said: “In general, people need long periods of maturity, whether emotional, physical or mental, and this is something that happens in conjunction with education.” He added, “I think that reducing the period to ten years is sufficient, and there is no need for twelve years of education. But when a person matures at the age of sixteen, it may not be a big difference between her and eighteen years.

And he continued during the “Dialogue with Elon Musk 2.0” session, on the last day of the World Government Summit, in Dubai: “So I see that twelve years are useful and we do not need 5 or 6 additional years in university or college.” , and I think this matter will be exhausting. Perhaps if we cut back some years of education, we would be fine.

Children’s social communication

Regarding the use of social media platforms by children and younger generations, Musk said: “Actually, I do not restrict the use of social media for my children because it is probably wrong to do so. They usually use the platforms Radiate and YouTube.

He added, “However, I think I can set limits on using them more than before, and monitor what they watch. Because there are some guided algorithms in the means of communication that you may not agree with.
Musk, who is the president and owner of the Twitter platform, concluded: “So I think that yes, it is better to supervise children’s use of social media and pay attention to some of the content that is algorithmically programmed in Silicon Valley.”

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