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افتتاحيات صحف الإمارات

Abu Dhabi on December 23 /

The local newspapers published this morning highlighted in their editorials the state’s assertion of the necessity of not politicizing the humanitarian file in Syria and linking it to the issue of making progress on the political track, given the escalation of humanitarian needs to dangerous levels, and emphasizing the importance of restoring calm and reducing escalation in all Syrian regions…noting that It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that aid reaches those in need in Syria without any political considerations.

The newspapers paid attention to the “Zayed Charity Marathon”, whose seventh edition will be launched today in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, highlighting its humanitarian and charitable goals that can constitute a rich addition to efforts to improve the lives of societies.

Under the headline “Aid is a priority.” Al-Ittihad newspaper wrote that the divisions over the issue of extending the mechanism for delivering aid across the border to Syria exacerbate the suffering of the Syrians and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in a country where about 70% of its population has become in need of aid over the next year. Especially since most of them are women and children. Therefore, the UAE supports, through international efforts, the extension of this mechanism, as it is the best solution to move forward at the present time, and benefits all Syrians in the various governorates.
She added that based on the UAE’s firm positions on the importance of humanitarian work, especially in light of conflicts and wars, it stresses the need not to politicize the humanitarian file and link it to any progress that can be achieved at the political level, given the escalation of humanitarian needs to dangerous levels, while emphasizing the importance of restoring calm and reducing escalation in the conflict. All Syrian regions, especially in the north.
In conclusion, Al-Ittihad said: “Difficult repercussions on the humanitarian track, as a result of the conflict on the ground in Syria, can only be contained by agreeing on the humanitarian file as soon as possible, to ensure the removal of all obstacles, including security, to allow the passage of humanitarian aid without obstacles, Commitment not to interfere in humanitarian operations, while emphasizing the importance of achieving progress on the political track, by resorting to dialogue, negotiation and diplomatic mechanisms, because there are no military solutions to conflicts, leading to a settlement that stops the suffering of the Syrian people, and preserves the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria.

On the same issue and under the title “a humanitarian file without politicization.” Al-Bayan newspaper said, “The mechanism set by the UN Security Council to deliver aid across the border to Syria is nearing its end, and it needs to be extended, with some aspects being addressed, as a year has passed, The Syrian crisis witnessed nothing but an exacerbation of the humanitarian situation, and an escalation of divisions over the humanitarian file, inside and outside the Council. It is required that a spirit of cooperation and unity prevail among the members of the Council during the next year, in a way that alleviates the suffering of the Syrians.

She added that the UAE, which has always been distinguished for its wise view towards the Syrian file, believes that it is necessary not to politicize the humanitarian file, and to refrain from linking it to the issue of making progress on the political track, because it is unacceptable to link people’s living conditions to a political track that may be prolonged. Therefore, everyone has a human and moral responsibility to ensure that aid is delivered to those in need in Syria, without any political considerations.

She stated that last July, the Council adopted Resolution No. 2642, to extend the mechanism for delivering aid across the border to Syria, a mechanism that included, for the first time, indications of basic and indispensable humanitarian necessities. Therefore, this mechanism must be extended, as this is the best way forward at the present time.

She indicated that the UAE, in its last position before the Security Council, stressed an important point, based on the text of the Council’s resolution, which is the need to deal with the decision of the aid delivery mechanism, as a decision that benefits all Syrians, not just those residing in northwestern Syria.

In conclusion, Al-Bayan said: “This would guarantee sustainable solutions, such as early recovery projects, which are essential to addressing humanitarian conditions that have reached dangerous levels and affected families, children and women, and these are not just numbers.”

On the other hand, and under the title “Zayed Al-Khair Marathon” .. “Al-Watan” newspaper wrote, thanks to the generous human thought of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him”, the UAE seeks to strengthen and multiply its sustainable humanitarian orientations and its civilized message and spread it in various The corners of the earth through targeted initiatives, including the “Zayed Charity Marathon”, which continues its march under the directives of His Highness since it saw the light in the year 2001, with the aim of supporting charitable and humanitarian projects that can constitute a rich addition to efforts to improve the lives of societies. In the name of “Zayed Al-Khair”, the owner of white hands and the exceptional history of doing good in every place where humanity needed the protectors of its values, and conveys an aspect of the UAE’s thought and humanitarian endeavors and what it is working on to bring about real change for the better in the life of all mankind, to be one of the largest events and initiatives indicative and embodiment For the values of the homeland and what good represents in it is a firm and solid foundation in the life of its people and its orientations, which put everything that is in the interest of humanity as a priority in its honorable approach.

She pointed out that the “marathon”, which started from Abu Dhabi, the capital of love and peace, arrived in New York and then to sisterly Egypt, and India will be among its next stations.
She added that under the auspices of His Excellency the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the seventh edition of the “Zayed Charity” marathon, which is being held today in the city of Alexandria, and its proceeds were allocated to support construction in the “Ahl Masr Hospital for Burns Treatment”, the first of its kind in Egypt and Africa in its specialties, area and absorptive capacity. Providing free medical services.

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