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Children and youth.. the basis of the future, their care and the development of their skills is the best way for a better tomorrow

Children and youth are the buds of the future and the makers of tomorrow. Human energy is the most important and richest field of beneficial and uplifting investment for countries and societies. Youth energies are the fuel for the wheel of progress and prosperity. Therefore, interest in nurturing and developing the capabilities of these promising groups in society is one of the most important pillars of stability, progress and growth.

This is the message adopted by a large group of leading institutions in Sharjah that are keen on developing, educating and educating children, adolescents and youth, and preparing them in an optimal manner in all fields, to create Emirati cadres capable of assuming responsibility and leading the future with awareness and wisdom while preserving their Emirati identity and aspirations for a better tomorrow for their country. This is what Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Muhammad Al Qasimi, wife of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah, was keen to implement by establishing a number of institutions and initiatives concerned with creating pioneering and talented Emirati cadres and aspiring to the highest levels of excellence and success, through a group of institutions concerned with the development and development of capabilities Young people of all ages.

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