Home / News / UAE / The UAE supports the rights of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state. It hosted the meetings of the Negev Forum working groups in Abu Dhabi

The UAE supports the rights of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state. It hosted the meetings of the Negev Forum working groups in Abu Dhabi

Yesterday, Monday, the first meeting of the Negev Forum working groups kicked off in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of officials from the six member states, which include the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, the United States and Israel, to continue building bridges of communication and dialogue and promoting peaceful coexistence throughout the region.

These meetings are considered a continuation of what was agreed upon during the ministerial meeting held in March 2022 in the Negev, where the forum aims to enhance cooperation between countries and achieve the interests of the peoples of the region, including the Palestinian people, as the UAE continues its support for the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights represented in establishing the state. The independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The convening of the Negev Forum comes in the light of the Abrahamic Peace Agreement, which is a regional cooperation platform established by the six member states, which is based on the common basic goals of promoting prosperity, stability and prosperity at the regional level, supporting the interests of all countries in the region and sustainable development, and providing solutions to existing challenges in order to achieve a better future for future generations.

It is noteworthy that the business meetings of the working groups last for two days, during which they discuss opportunities for joint cooperation in a number of fields, as the participating countries committed to moving forward in joint work in the areas of food security, water technology, clean energy, tourism, health care, education and coexistence, and regional security.

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