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The UAE shares Bahrain’s joys on the 51st National Day

On Friday, the UAE will join the sisterly Kingdom of Bahrain in its celebrations of its 51st National Day, which falls on December 16 of each year, amid official and popular celebration and participation that reflects the level of fraternal relations and the well-established strategic partnership between the two countries and the two brotherly peoples.
The UAE witnessed a series of distinguished activities and shows, including the decoration of a number of the most prominent landmarks, institutions and sites of the country and the main shopping centers with the Bahraini flag, and banners of congratulations that adorn the digital indicative signs on the main roads, as well as a special seal for the passports of Bahraini citizens coming to the country through the various airports and ports.
The UAE and the Kingdom of Bahrain have historical relations that extend their roots for many decades. The constants and common visions that bring together the two brotherly countries have helped in their growth and development. These are the relations whose specificity stems from the bonds of kinship, the common history and the distinguished fraternal relations between their two leaderships, represented by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State. “May God protect him,” and King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the monarch of the sister Kingdom of Bahrain.
The UAE and the Kingdom of Bahrain have deep fraternal bonds and close, authentic and fruitful relations for the benefit and prosperity of the two countries and the two brotherly peoples, based on solid foundations based on the common cultural and social heritage, a single history, aspirations and one developmental vision aimed at providing all means of stability and prosperity, and establishing a bright future for future generations of children the two countries.
The relations between the two countries are considered one of the most important pillars of the unity of the Gulf house and the preservation of its security and stability, and it is of great importance in light of the distinctive political and strategic weight they enjoy at the regional and global levels, and their adoption of a rational, balanced and moderate foreign policy, and their being among the pioneering models at the level of the region in the fields of development. implementation of ambitious policies of reform, development and modernization, and the consolidation of state institutions and law.
thriving relationships
The two countries have positive and prosperous relations in various sectors, including the areas of trade exchange, economic cooperation, joint investment, and political consultation, as they share the same visions on various Arab, regional and international issues and files of common interest, based on solid principles that support the rule of security and peace, and the achievement of stability and prosperity. regionally and globally.
Since 2000, the Emirati-Bahrain relations have taken on broad dimensions and horizons at all levels, after the formation of the joint supreme committee between them. the two brotherly peoples and supports the march of joint Gulf action.
The visit of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” to the Kingdom of Bahrain, and his meeting with His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the sister Kingdom of Bahrain, last April, reflected the specificity of the relations between the two countries, as they confirmed during The meeting is to support and strengthen joint cooperation paths in various economic, trade and investment fields, expand horizons of joint cooperation, and support joint Gulf action and Arab unity.
The visit of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of the sisterly Kingdom of Bahrain, last September to the UAE witnessed the signing of many agreements and memorandums of understanding between the two countries, which constitute a major boost in the UAE-Bahraini relations.
The course of cooperation between the two brotherly countries, on the economic and commercial level during the past few years, confirms the strength of relations and the integration of the economies of the two countries, as the volume of non-oil trade exchange between the two countries during the first half of this year reached 12.1 billion dirhams, with a growth rate of 16 percent compared to 2021.
the trade exchange
The UAE’s imports from Bahrain during the first half of 2022 amounted to nearly 5 billion dirhams, while the volume of UAE national exports to Bahrain during the same period amounted to 2.74 billion dirhams, while the volume of re-exports for the same period amounted to 4.3 billion dirhams.
The UAE and Bahrain are linked to many economic and commercial agreements and memorandums of understanding that have contributed to enhancing the volume of trade exchange between them during the last period. and quality assurance, and a memorandum of understanding in the agricultural field and living aquatic resources. The two countries also signed an agreement to study the development of renewable energy projects between the Supreme Council for the Environment in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company “Masdar”, and many other areas of cooperation.
cultural heritage
The two countries share a common cultural heritage of arts and literature that formed a homogeneous cultural identity for their peoples and for all the peoples of the Arab Gulf region, while the common customs and traditions between the two peoples are reflected in a lot of vocabulary in poetry, prose, story, oral heritage, proverbs and popular narratives, as well as what is related to methods and ways of life in general.
During the previous years, the two countries signed many memorandums and protocols of cooperation in the field of cultural cooperation to preserve the common historical heritage of the two countries. In this context, the project to restore heritage buildings in Bahrain, which is supported by the UAE, aims to revive the heritage house of “Fath Allah” in the city of Muharraq and other places. Heritage sites.

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