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The UAE embraces space with 20 achievements for history

The march of the UAE in the space sector is replete with many milestones that turned into bright points in the march of the UAE space sector, and established the country’s position as one of the most important contributors to the international space sector in tasks, planning and drawing future policies.

Today, the UAE has a prestigious space sector with 19 orbital satellites, 10 new space objects under development, about 50 global and emerging companies, institutions and facilities, 5 research centers for space sciences, and 3 university programs in space sciences to graduate qualified cadres to lead the sector towards further development. , and many other factors that confirm the global leadership of this sector.

In the following report, the Emirates News Agency, WAM, monitors the most prominent stations in the journey of Emirati leadership and excellence in the space sector, during 48 years, which is the period that separates the famous meeting between the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, with the officials of the Apollo flight. 15 from NASA in 1974, leading to the successful launch of the “Explorer Rashid” to the Moon on Saturday.

The beginning of the dream

The first beginning of the UAE’s dream of reaching space and exploring its depths dates back to the vision of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan, may God rest his soul, as the founding leader wanted space to be a field for the ambitions of the Emirates and the achievements of its people, as he expressed his famous meeting in 1974 with officials of the Apollo 15 flight From NASA, for this will and ambition. During his reign, may God have mercy on him, the UAE also witnessed the establishment of “Al-Thuraya Communications” in 1997, and it was the first of the centers established by the state in communications technology and satellites.

Eliyah Sat

In 2007, the UAE established the Al Yah Satellite Communications Company “Yahsat”, and today it is considered one of the ten leading operators of satellite services in the world. Networking and mobile communication solutions.

«Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center»

The Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center was established in 2006, and it is the entity that embraces the UAE National Space Program. The center builds and operates Earth observation satellites, and provides image and data analysis services to various clients in the world.

“Emirates Space Agency”

In 2014, the Emirates Space Agency was established with the aim of organizing, supporting and sponsoring the space sector in a way that serves the interests of the state, encouraging and developing the uses of space science and technology in the country, providing advice in this field, establishing international partnerships in the field of the space sector, and contributing to the diversification of the national economy through the space sector. An advanced national space program, spreading awareness of its importance, and developing qualified human cadres in the field of space. The National Space Program.

In 2017, the UAE launched the National Space Program, which included the preparation of Emirati astronauts, and a 100-year plan aimed at building the first human settlement on the Red Planet by 2117, and bringing the Emirati “Probe of Hope” to Mars in 2021, coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of Mars. UAE.

“Khalifa Sat”

On October 29, 2018, the UAE launched the KhalifaSat satellite, which is the first Emirati satellite 100% designed and manufactured by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center. The design of the moon, which is two meters long and weighs only 330 kilograms, was supervised by 70 Emirati engineers. Their ages ranged between 27 and 28 years.

National Space Strategy

In March 2019, the UAE launched the National Space Strategy 2030, which outlined the general framework for the space industry in the country and the activities it will work on during the next decade.

The year 2019 witnessed the launch of the “Arab Group for Space Cooperation”, at the initiative of the Emirates, which encouraged 14 countries to join it, to enhance joint Arab action in the space sector.

The first astronaut

The arrival of Emirati astronaut Hazza Al-Mansoori, on September 25, 2019, to the International Space Station, to participate in space exploration and scientific research aboard the “Soyuz MS-12” spacecraft, was an exceptional achievement, in a successful journey that marked the country’s name in the space sector. – Law.

At the end of 2019, the UAE issued the law regulating the space sector, which is considered the first Arab and Islamic law, and aims to create a legislative and regulatory environment in the UAE space sector that is consistent with other laws and regulations in the country, and respects international treaties.

“Hope Probe”

On June 20, 2020, the UAE officially entered the global race for outer space exploration, with the Emirati “Probe of Hope” launching to Mars on a journey aimed at understanding climate changes on the Red Planet, discovering the causes of the erosion of its atmosphere, and the lack of an environment suitable for life on its surface.

After a journey that lasted about seven months in space, the “Probe of Hope” succeeded in entering the capture orbit around the Red Planet at 7:42 UAE time, making history with this achievement as the first Arab country, and the fifth country in the world to reach the Red Planet.

Geniuses of the Arabs

The year 2020 witnessed the announcement of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, to launch the first Arab “Geniuses of Space” program, and it aims to embrace a distinguished group of Arab talents and geniuses, and train and qualify them in the sciences. Space and its technologies, to be part of a group of outstanding Arab minds that constitute a qualitative addition to the global scientific community. It also contributes to advancing the process of scientific, economic and human development in its societies.

The first female astronaut

In April 2021, the UAE announced the names of the two new astronauts within the Emirates Astronaut Program in its second session, namely: Noura Al Matrooshi, the first Arab female astronaut, and Muhammad Al Mulla, as the two new astronauts joined the astronauts Hazzaa Al Mansouri and Sultan Al Mulla.

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