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The UAE dominates the Forbes list of the best investment companies in the region

The UAE was the most representative country for investment companies on the Forbes list of the 100 best companies in the Middle East for the year 2023.

The UAE dominated the list with four companies: Global Holding, Alpha Abu Dhabi, Dubai Investments and Multipleplay.

Al-Alamiya Holding ranked fifth regionally on the list, with a market value of $235.9 billion and total assets of $62.1 billion.

Alfa Abu Dhabi Holding Company ranked 13th regionally, with a market value of $59.9 billion and total assets of $35.7 billion. Alpha Abu Dhabi Holding owns more than 150 subsidiaries in the fields of healthcare, renewable energy, petrochemicals, real estate, construction and hospitality. Dubai Investments ranked 82nd regionally, with a market value of $2.8 billion and total assets of $5.6 billion. The company invests in global markets in various sectors such as real estate, healthcare, education, finance, industry and retail, and has more than 34 subsidiaries.

Dubai Investments concluded a deal to sell 50% of the shares of the Emirates District Cooling Company to the Actis company, at a value of one billion dollars, in April 2022. In January 2023, the company acquired 9% of the shares of the English “Monumet Bank”, and the company is the main shareholder with a share. It is 11.5%.

Multipleplay ranked 84th on the Forbes list, with a market capitalization of $10.2 billion, with total assets of $11.2 billion.

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