Home / News / UAE / The UAE is among the top ten countries in the “soft power” index for the first time at the annual global conference in London

The UAE is among the top ten countries in the “soft power” index for the first time at the annual global conference in London

The UAE entered the list of the top ten countries for the first time in its history in the “Global Soft Power Index” for the year 2023 prepared by the international “Brand Finance” institution, during the annual Soft Power Conference that was held in the British capital, London, in the presence of a group of world leaders and public figures. Foremost among them are former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former Swedish Prime Minister Stephen Le Pen.

The UAE has achieved remarkable progress in all main and sub-indicators, reflecting the distinguished position that the country has reached, which has made it one of the most positive countries in the world in terms of positive impact and good reputation.

On the general index, the UAE rose from 15th place in 2022 to 10th place in 2023, to succeed with this big jump, which reached five places, in achieving the largest increase among the top ten countries, and thus be the only Arab and Middle Eastern country to reserve a place in the list of the top ten.

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