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The UAE and Malaysia… a solid partnership and fruitful cooperation in all fields

The United Arab Emirates is keen to strengthen friendly relations and close cooperation with Malaysia in all fields, which would advance development in the two friendly countries for the benefit of their peoples.

The mutual and continuous official visits and meetings between senior officials of the two countries reflect the depth and solidity of the Emirati-Malaysian relations, which continue their steady development under the directives and support of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” and Sultan Abdullah Re’ayat Al-Din Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, King of Malaysia.

The visit of His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, to Malaysia constitutes a milestone in the process of strengthening friendship between the leaderships and governments of the two countries, and expanding the horizons of economic cooperation between them, especially in the areas of mutual trade and energy.

Malaysia is of great importance within the UAE’s strategy to strengthen and expand its relations with Southeast Asian countries, and to strengthen bridges of cooperation with them in various fields, based on Malaysia’s presence and importance in its regional environment.

The relations between the two countries over the decades witnessed an escalating development, especially after the opening of the Malaysian embassy in Abu Dhabi in 1983, and then the opening of the UAE embassy in Kuala Lumpur in 1995, leading to November 2017, during which the UAE and Malaysia signed two memorandums of understanding regarding political consultations and the establishment of a joint committee for cooperation between the two countries. in many areas.

The UAE is keen to support and diversify areas of cooperation with Malaysia in light of their strong relations, common ambitious values and visions, and aspirations for further progress and prosperity.


The UAE is working to strengthen its relations with countries with growing economies, which have become an influential part of the international economy, and Malaysia is at the forefront of these countries.

The UAE represents Malaysia’s largest trading partner in the Middle East and West Asia, and non-oil trade between the two countries in 2021 amounted to about $4.3 billion, a growth of 20 percent compared to 2020, during which it amounted to $3.5 billion.

military cooperation

The joint exercise “Desert Tiger” in its successive versions embodies the keenness of the two countries to exchange experiences and enhance joint cooperation between them in the military field. Recently, on the sidelines of the International Defense Exhibition “IDEX 2023”, the two sides signed an agreement for military cooperation in the field of training, coordination and exchange of experiences at the level of forces. Wilderness between the two friendly countries.

the health

Cooperation between the two countries in the field of dealing with the Covid-19 virus constituted a model of constructive international cooperation in confronting the pandemic and containing its humanitarian repercussions, as the UAE sent a medical aid plane to Malaysia at the end of March 2020, which included 20,000 test units for testing Covid-19, along with Another plane of medical equipment in mid-May 2020 included 14,000 units of disinfectant liquids, weighing about seven tons. In addition, the Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation provided food aid, coinciding with the month of Ramadan 2020, to alleviate the suffering of needy groups in light of the Covid-19 crisis. 19 benefited more than 100 entities and thousands of individuals.

culture and education

The UAE and Malaysia share the values of tolerance and moderation embodied in the demographics and cultural diversity of the two countries’ societies.

In the field of education, Malaysia is an educational destination for Emirati students who are pursuing their studies in its universities, especially in the fields of management, accounting and law.

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