Home / News / UAE / “Petunia” beautifies the streets of Dubai with 8 colors. The municipality follows sustainability standards in plant cultivation

“Petunia” beautifies the streets of Dubai with 8 colors. The municipality follows sustainability standards in plant cultivation

During this month, the streets of Dubai are decorated with petunias of all kinds and 8 different colors, such as burgundy, red, pink, scarlet, violet, white, blue, and black, which are distinguished by their abundance of leaves, to add beauty to the city.

Green spaces are of environmental importance, in addition to their cosmetic importance, as they improve air quality, reduce temperatures, and reduce pollutants.

Dubai Municipality confirmed the increase in green spaces and the expansion of flower planting in streets, public roads and parks, in accordance with the standards of sustainability in irrigation. This comes within the framework of public street beautification plans, while ensuring that irrigation water is not wasted, as the emirate is decorated with suitable flowers in its nurseries to improve their quality, make them more blooming, and also produce different colors than their original colors to diversify and add innovative aesthetic elements to trees and shrubs. And the flowers you plant all over the city.

She added that she follows the standards of sustainability in the cultivation of cosmetic plants and roses, as she relies on flowers that do not need large amounts of water. It also focuses on planting it in the roads and places that enable road users to enjoy its scenery, as it adopts the method of sustainability in distributing roses on the roads, so that they are distributed to benefit from them in a sustainable manner for all.

She pointed out that it works to multiply plants, including petunias and cultivate them, and it represents one of the most important elements of the botanical garden, as it is grown for the nature of its growth and the beauty of its leaves and beautiful flowers. Interrhynem, salvia, marshmallow, phlox and chrysanthemum are also grown with it, and some of them are grown for their aromatic scent such as cloves, alyssum and flower basket, and some of them are grown Because of the beauty of its flowers and their use, cut flowers are placed in vases, such as aster, carnation, mantur and delphinium.

And the municipality explained: Given the importance of petunias and other flowers, there is a specialized team whose task is to prepare and equip the flower-bouton designs throughout the year, which ensures a distinguished preparation according to the foundations, rules, elements and standards that are taken into account and related to the study of all data related to the site to be planted with flowers and the type of flowers that suit it. , in terms of their colors, sizes and the nature of their growth.

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