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“Family Development” identifies 8 skills for safe family relationships

Abu Dhabi

The Family Development Foundation in Abu Dhabi confirmed that there are 8 skills to solve the problem of the relationship between the child and the parents. Noting that the steps include directives to help parents in forming safe family relationships, in addition to the fact that the Foundation has made it possible to register for two services that it provides through the Abu Dhabi Services website, “Tamm”, regarding the role of parents in dealing with their children.

She explained that the skills are: learning how children grow through their different age stages, the growth requirements for each age stage, learning methods to modify children’s behavior and directing them, away from physical and psychological punishment, methods for developing convincing systems and laws for family management that everyone adheres to, and the contents and contents of renewing the roles and responsibilities of all Family members, using effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills, acquiring methods of applying the democratic method in raising children, building internal family relationships based on trust, frankness, love and encouragement, effective parenting methods and distinguishing between positive and healthy ones versus negative and unhealthy ones.

She added that raising awareness in dealing with this problem is by registering in the services provided by the Foundation via the “Tamm” website, and requesting enrollment in the training course (development of parenting skills in adolescence), and requesting enrollment in the training course (enhancing the man’s role in positive parenting).

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