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“Nationalization” depends on the entry of residents who have stayed outside the Emirates for more than 6 months

The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs and Ports Security announced the adoption of its smart channels in providing the service of applications submitted, for entry permits related to residents who have stayed outside the country for more than 6 months, which it activated from last Friday. Noting that this service does not apply to residents who hold golden residencies.

The authority said – in a statement: The new service was launched with the aim of making customers happy, and empowering residents who have valid residency, and were forced to stay outside the country for study, work or treatment, for a period of more than 6 months, and then they exhausted the specified period for staying outside the country, which results in Legal revocation.
She explained that the new service allows these residents to activate residency again and enter the country with the same residency, after the authority’s approval. Noting that this service includes all residencies approved within the system of services provided by the authority.

She stated that the approval of a permit request for those who stayed outside the country for more than 6 months requires submitting a copy of the Emirates ID and a copy of the passport, and attaching the reason for the delay in entering the country during that period. Stressing that this service is limited to customers from abroad who have stayed abroad for more than 6 months only.
In its statement, the authority affirmed its keenness to develop the system of services it provides to customers and facilitate them by facilitating procedures and digital transformation, in providing all services, and launching new services that meet the needs of customers and address the exceptional situations they are exposed to.

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