Home / Finance & Business / Economic Indicators / The International Trademark Association chooses Dubai to host its annual meeting for the year 2026

The International Trademark Association chooses Dubai to host its annual meeting for the year 2026

For the first time in the Middle East.
– The meeting is the largest of its kind in the world to discuss ways to preserve intellectual property rights and protect trademarks.
The event attracts more than 8,000 government officials, lawyers, brand owners and academics.
– Dr. Abdul Quddous Al-Obaidly: “Dubai’s hosting of the meeting reflects the extent of international appreciation for the attention that the UAE and its wise leadership attach to the protection of intellectual property.”
– Abdullah Al Saleh: “The UAE is committed to enhancing the pioneering environment for business and investment by providing a strong system for the protection of intellectual property.”
Mohammed Rashid Lootah: “Dubai has a business environment that stimulates innovation and capabilities that help develop and test new business models for technology.”
Ahmed Al Khaja: “We look forward to working with all partners to ensure the success of the event and leave a lasting positive legacy for it in the UAE and the region in general.”

Dubai, May 17 / The International Trademark Association announced today (Wednesday) the choice of Dubai to host the annual meeting of the Association for the year 2026, which is the largest gathering of its kind in the world and is concerned with discussing the most important topics and issues related to intellectual property rights, especially in the field of trademarks and copyrights. Which annually attracts more than 8,000 experts in this field, including lawyers, trademark owners, governments, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders.
The announcement of Dubai’s selection to host the event in 2026 came during the Association’s annual meeting in Singapore, which is the first time that a city in the Middle East has won this hosting, as this achievement comes as a culmination of the intensive efforts made during the last period to attract this important event, in cooperation with the Emirates Property Society. Intellectual, Ministry of Economy, Department of Tourism and Economy in Dubai, Dubai Chambers of Commerce and Dubai Police, confirming Dubai’s leading position both in the field of hosting major international events, and the great confidence that it enjoys in the international community in its ability to provide all the necessary ingredients for the success of such important global meetings that would Providing added value that pays for the development of vital sectors that serve comprehensive and sustainable development around the world.
( Fruitful cooperation )
Major General Dr. Abdul Qudous Al-Obaidly, President of the Emirates Intellectual Property Association, praised the constructive cooperation that resulted in this achievement and the culmination of efforts in winning the hosting of this international meeting, with its value, given the importance of the topics it discusses. He said: The Emirates Intellectual Property Association is pleased to announce that Dubai has won the hosting of the annual meeting of the international association. On this occasion, we cannot fail to extend our thanks and appreciation to all parties that have cooperated in achieving this achievement, which highlights the effectiveness and impact of the integrated work system in the UAE, and what it is characterized by. One of the highest levels of coordination, which confirms the ability of all state agencies, at the federal and local levels, to achieve qualitative successes that contribute to realizing the vision of the wise leadership for the future, and works to transform its ambitious goals into tangible achievements on the ground that enhance the position of Dubai and the UAE as a center Main for launching creative ideas that serve humanity and within various vital sectors.
He added: Choosing Dubai to host this meeting reflects the extent of international appreciation for the attention paid by the UAE and its wise leadership to the protection of intellectual property, and its keenness on the success of a global dialogue that would create guarantees to protect it and preserve the interests of its owners, especially in light of the great status enjoyed by the UAE and Dubai. As a major center for trade, creativity and innovation. We look forward to working closely with all our partners to make this meeting the best in the history of the Association’s meetings.
This achievement comes at a time when the UAE pays special attention to the issue of intellectual property protection within the framework of its continuous interest in encouraging entrepreneurship, research, development and innovation as important pillars of sustainable economic growth, and the consequent keenness of the state to find legal frameworks that guarantee the protection of these rights in a way that enhances the culture of Creativity and contribute to building a creative and innovative society in an environment that provides those creative energies with guarantees that protect everyone’s intellectual rights.
(global role)
For his part, His Excellency Abdullah Al Saleh, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy, said that the UAE’s hosting of the annual meeting of the International Trademark Association 2026 confirms the importance of the country’s global role in the field of intellectual property in general, and trademarks in particular, and its commitment to promoting a pioneering environment for business and investment through Providing a strong system for the protection of intellectual property, as well as reflecting the great interest that the UAE attaches to international cooperation and enabling strategic partnerships to provide support for the national economy and innovation.
(stimulating environment)
In turn, Mohammed Ali Rashid Lootah, Director General of Dubai Chambers, said: Based on our responsibility as the main development arm of the Emirate of Dubai, Dubai Chambers play an important role in attracting international events, including the annual meeting of the International Trademark Association 2026, as the emirate enjoys a business environment that stimulates innovation. an integrated network of startup incubators and accelerators and regulatory labs that help develop and test new technology business models; Given the importance of the registered trademark and intellectual property for any company, we look forward to supporting this important event that will empower the business community in the UAE and the world, affirming our commitment to accelerating business growth and consolidating Dubai’s position as a global center for trade and business.
Hosting the annual meeting of the International Trademark Association in 2026 is in line with the goals of the “UAE Centennial 2071”, especially the “diversified knowledge economy” axis, which is one of the four axes on which the centenary plan is based, as this axis includes investment

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