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The Arabs and the Great Transformations

The Arabs and the world are living in an era of major transformations in the international system at a stage that may be the most dangerous since World War II. Where conflicts and wars erupt, the world is exposed to the worst climatic disaster that threatens human existence on Earth, food security imbalances, the repercussions of the “Corona” epidemic, and the threat of terrorism and extremism, which still poses an imminent danger in most countries of the world, especially in our region, in addition to political and economic crises. The security and social suffering of more than one Arab country.

All these crises come together to pose an existential challenge to the world, which must determine the means to confront it, and get out of it with the least possible losses.

Since the Arabs are at the center of these transformations, given their geographical location and geopolitical importance, with their wealth, especially in the energy sector, which has become one of the means of conflict, they are required to take decisive positions, and inevitable choices towards all these challenges, so that they do not turn into victims On the altar of others’ greed, or tools in the service of this or that party.

We are, in fact, at a critical stage in which there is no room for inaction, waiting or oversight. We are at the heart of these transformations, and we must have a role in determining the course of these transformations, which will not be merciful to the weak or those who are standing on the sidewalk.

We have all the capabilities and capabilities that enable us to face challenges and risks, and to be a difficult number that cannot be overcome, provided that we have the will and the decision.

The recent Algiers summit provided an opportunity for the Arabs to decide and determine where they must firmly place their feet, and to be in the position of strength in which they must be, so that they are not swept away by the storm of major transformations.

In the “Algeria Declaration” issued by the summit, the features of a new Arab orientation to keep pace with global developments, identifying priorities related to our crucial issues, such as the Palestinian cause and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, and emphasizing the strengthening of joint Arab action to protect Arab national security in its comprehensive concept, in all its political, food and water dimensions Energy, energy and environment, the need to resolve the crises experienced by some Arab countries by peaceful means, and the importance of embodying the Arab economic integration project, as well as emphasizing the building of sound and balanced relations between the Arab group and the international community, on the basis of respect for the rules of good-neighbourliness, trust and cooperation, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

In the Ukrainian war, the principles of non-alignment, the renunciation of the use of force, and the activation of the option of peace were confirmed. The energy crisis is an affirmation to ensure the stability of global energy markets, and to value the balanced policy pursued by the “OPEC +” alliance.

They are all addresses and positive attitudes to issues that concern us and the world, but this alone is not enough. What is required is that words be accompanied by action, and that decisions be translated into reality through the Arab League, which must rise up against itself, and take its supposed role in follow-up and implementation.

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