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“Pension” launches a campaign to educate employers about the inspection procedures

The General Pension and Social Security Authority launched a campaign to raise awareness of the guidelines for inspection procedures for employers and to monitor their implementation of the provisions and rules related to the registration and subscription of the insured with the authority.

The authority said that the campaign, which comes under the slogan “Your commitment protects you” and will continue until the end of next March, will focus on educating employers about the powers of inspection officers, employers’ obligations towards them, and the procedures followed before, during and after the inspection process.

In addition, the campaign will provide information to employers about wrong practices that may lead to fines and judicial accountability, identifying the reasons for violations and ways to avoid them, and the fines resulting from employers’ violation of the provisions of registration and subscription on behalf of the insured.

The Authority will also be aware of the conditions for registration and subscription on behalf of the insured, the conditions for employers to be subject to the provisions of the law, the obligations arising from subscribing to insurance, the rates of contributions due from the insured and the employer, the dates of payment of contributions, the rules for paying them in cases of leave and secondment, and other related topics.

For her part, Dr. Maysa Rashed Ghadir, Director of the Government Communications Office, explained that the campaign aims to educate employers and the insured, and aims to work to enhance the quality of pension practices in the Authority and raise the level of awareness among employers and insured persons about the procedures taken by the Authority in the event of any defect. It is related to the application of the provisions of the law, especially with regard to the registration and subscription of the insured and the fulfillment of their insurance rights and obligations.

Ghadir emphasized that the shared responsibility between the Authority, employers and the insured contributes to facing many challenges that appear with time as a result of not doing these practices properly, and manifestations of that delay in the completion of some important transactions such as the disbursement of pensions or end-of-service benefits, and therefore the launch of Such campaigns turn these challenges into improvement opportunities thanks to the high awareness of insurance on the part of employers.

Ghadir called on all categories of beneficiaries and the public in general to follow the campaign through press news, social media channels, radio and television channels, and not hesitate to communicate with the Commission through any of its media channels or others to inquire about the campaign and its topics in order to create an interactive climate that enhances the success of the campaign. in achieving its objectives.

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