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“Pension”: The disbursement of pensions for the month of August on Friday 25

The value of pensions disbursed for the month of July amounted to 711 million dirhams.
-46,835 thousand, the number of beneficiaries of the disbursement during the month of July.

Abu Dhabi, August 2 / The General Pension and Social Security Authority announced that the date for disbursing pensions for the month of August will be on Friday, corresponding to the 25th of the month.

The authority revealed an increase in the value of pensions disbursed for the month of July 2023, with an increase of 53,735,855 dirhams, or 8.1% compared to the same month last year, as the value of disbursed pensions amounted to 657,587,929 dirhams, and rose during the same period of the current year to 711 million. And 323 thousand and 784 dirhams benefited 46,835 retirees and beneficiaries.

The authority said that the retirement pension remains the ultimate goal of participating in social insurance, as it provides a fixed income for the insured and his family due to the emergence of any risks while he is at work or after retirement, adding that there is a joint responsibility between the authority and the insured in achieving the goals of the social insurance system. The continuation of the insured to work for the longest possible period helps in improving his retirement pension, and increasing the insurance resources of the authority that invests in it optimally to provide the best insurance benefits for the insured upon retirement.

And it affirmed its keenness to support retirees and beneficiaries in all possible ways by providing the best proactive services to these groups, in addition to adopting projects that contribute to supporting retirees towards the “Loyalty Fingerprint” project announced by the Authority, in early July 2023 for retirees and their families to benefit from the benefits and discounts available. In implementation, according to the partnerships signed by the Authority with a number of strategic partners in the country to provide the necessary support in the field of consumer and health services to retirees who contributed to building and serving the country before reaching retirement.

The authority praised the role of the partners who contributed to supporting the application of the “Wafa Fingerprint”, and looks forward to concluding more agreements with a number of companies and institutions during the next stage to provide more privileges for retirees and their families.

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