Home / News / UAE / Based on the appeal submitted by the Attorney General of the Emirate of Dubai, the Court of Appeal orders the extradition of Sanjay Shah to the Danish authorities for his involvement in fraud and money laundering crimes

Based on the appeal submitted by the Attorney General of the Emirate of Dubai, the Court of Appeal orders the extradition of Sanjay Shah to the Danish authorities for his involvement in fraud and money laundering crimes

Dubai, December 29 / The Court of Appeal in the Emirate of Dubai ruled to extradite Sanjay Shah, a British national, to the Danish authorities for his involvement in fraud and money laundering crimes, based on the appeal submitted by His Excellency Counselor Issam Issa Al Humaidan, Attorney General of the Emirate of Dubai before the Court of Cassation against the previous ruling. Issued by the Court of Appeal that Sanjay Shah could not be handed over to the Danish authorities, as the Court of Cassation ruled that the case be returned to the Court of Appeal for consideration in a different judicial body.
During the consideration of the case in the appeal after it was returned from the Court of Cassation, the Public Prosecution Office submitted to the court all the papers and documents submitted by the Danish government against Sanjay Shah, which clarified his involvement in fraud and money laundering crimes, and demanded his extradition. Accordingly, the body in charge of examining the case ruled that Sanjay Shah be handed over to the authorities. Danish.
It should be noted that the Dubai Police had arrested the aforementioned person based on a request to extradite him from the Danish authorities, as His Excellency the Attorney General of the Emirate of Dubai referred the request to the court, to rule on the possibility of extraditing him to Denmark under the International Judicial Cooperation Law.
This step comes within the framework of the unremitting efforts made by Dubai in the field of combating money crimes in general, and the crime of money laundering in particular, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and through permanent coordination at the international level, which confirms the clear and continuous approach of the UAE in confronting resolutely these crimes. This type of crime because of its negative repercussions on society, and in accordance with the regulations in force in the country and the international standards followed in this regard.

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