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Student exchange between Al Ain University and the Jordanian “Applied Sciences”.

The College of Pharmacy at Al Ain University signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with the University of Applied Sciences in Jordan, to enhance student exchange and create exceptional opportunities for students to participate in distinguished educational experiences abroad.

This cooperation allows Al Ain University students from the Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics and Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences programs to participate in a student exchange program that promotes academic and cultural exchange between the two institutions. Through this program, students get the opportunity to study for a full academic semester at the University Applied Sciences in Jordan, where this experience allows them to interact with the prestigious faculty and students at the university and learn about the vibrant culture of Jordan.

On the other hand, the joint cooperation agreement promotes academic and knowledge exchange regarding information and data between the two institutions, the development of research projects and the organization of joint events.

Dr. Khairy Mustafa, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, said: “Al Ain University is proud to offer its students these opportunities, enabling them to gain valuable experiences, broaden their horizons, and develop basic skills that will benefit them personally and professionally.”

In turn, Dr. Mohamed Ghattas, Deputy Dean of the College of Pharmacy, pointed out that this program not only broadens the academic horizons of students, but also enhances mutual cultural dialogue, gives them practical life experiences, and gives them the opportunity to build relationships with the outside world. It also stresses the importance of international education and promotes global understanding. and enhance students’ experiences.

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