Home / News / UAE / The “Mohamed bin Zayed Award for Best Teacher” launches an electronic platform to provide quality training workshops for teachers

The “Mohamed bin Zayed Award for Best Teacher” launches an electronic platform to provide quality training workshops for teachers

Abu Dhabi on December 26 /

The Mohamed bin Zayed Award for Best Teacher launched the “Skills – Qudwa” smart electronic platform, which allows teachers participating in the award to join the various qualitative training courses and workshops it provides to hone their abilities and enhance their knowledge.

The platform aims to develop the competencies and skills of teachers, and provide them with the latest science, advanced knowledge, and modern educational methods, to enable them to master the arts of educational work, which is reflected in the development and leadership of education in their countries.

Teachers participating in the award wishing to apply and learn more about the platform’s content can visit the award’s website and the smart application available on various smart devices, noting that priority in registration for the workshops will be available to the teacher who has completed the submission of the participation file.

In the same context, the “Mohammed bin Zayed Award for Best Teacher” application was launched, as part of the efforts made to enable teachers to access and view information about the award, enter criteria and upload the content of their participation files.

His Excellency Mohammed Al Nuaimi, a member of the Higher Committee of the Award, confirmed that the award, under the auspices of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” takes development and improvement as a path within its vision, whether in its standards or evaluation mechanisms, in addition to relying on technology and modern technology, to provide More and better options for teachers who want to participate.

He said that the award has launched an electronic platform on its website, so that teachers can develop their skills, and join various and targeted training courses and workshops, and this in itself establishes the objectives of the award in one of its aspects, which is empowering teachers, indicating that the smart application that it launched will also contribute to achieving high flexibility. In the participation mechanism, attracting the largest number to participate in the award and including it with auxiliary tools for them.

For his part, Dr. Hamad Al Darmaki, Secretary General of the Award, said that the Mohammed bin Zayed Award for Best Teacher writes a new chapter of its excellence chapters that witnessed updates, changes and development in its standards and objectives, and other aspects represented in participation mechanisms, in keeping with and responding to global trends in the education sector that focus on Important paths in developing and supporting the teaching staff, and enhancing their various abilities.

He stated that the support that the award receives from His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” is great and continuous, because of his belief in the need for the award’s message to reach every teacher in the world, and to motivate him to participate and show his best knowledge and experiences. successful educational.

He pointed out that the smart platform launched by the award will serve as a lever that enhances and develops the knowledge of the teachers covered under the umbrella of the award, and at the same time increases the space for creativity and knowledge in various fields, sciences and fields, pointing out that this step is considered a reinforcement of the efforts of the award and the goal from which it emerged, which is Reaching every teacher to new and high horizons of cognitive and skill excellence, which is reflected in the quality of education provided in the school communities and its outputs.

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