Home / News / UAE / The UAE government signs 5 partnership agreements with Romania, Cyprus, Malta, Senegal and Zimbabwe, and launches the Government Leadership Program in the Maldives

The UAE government signs 5 partnership agreements with Romania, Cyprus, Malta, Senegal and Zimbabwe, and launches the Government Leadership Program in the Maldives

Dubai, February 16 / The UAE government signed 5 international agreements in the field of government development and knowledge exchange with the governments of Romania, Cyprus, Malta, Senegal and Zimbabwe, and launched, in cooperation with the Maldivian government, the Government Leaders Program in the Maldives, during the World Government Summit 2023, which was held in Dubai during From the 12th to the 15th of February.
In detail, the governments of the UAE and the Republic of Romania signed a cooperation agreement to exchange experiences and knowledge in the areas of government modernization, with the aim of strengthening government administration, empowering human cadres and providing them with the latest future tools through exchanging knowledge, experiences and development models by benefiting from the UAE’s successful experience in government work.
The governments of the UAE and the Republic of Cyprus signed a bilateral cooperation agreement to exchange experiences in the field of government services and capacity building, as part of the government knowledge exchange program partnerships.
As part of the government knowledge exchange program partnerships, the governments of the UAE and Zimbabwe signed a bilateral cooperation agreement to exchange experiences in the field of developing government work. And improving governance and evaluation processes, and innovation programs, by benefiting from the experiences of the UAE in government work.
The governments of the UAE and the Republic of Malta also signed a bilateral cooperation agreement to exchange experiences and knowledge in the fields of research and innovation. In the context of extending existing government partnerships, the UAE government signed an agreement with the government of Senegal to extend the strategic partnership between the two countries in the field of government modernization.

The governments of the UAE and the Republic of Maldives also launched the Government Leaders Program in the Maldives, which aims to develop the capabilities of leadership cadres in the government of the Republic of the Maldives and qualify them to lead future government work, based on the UAE model for government leadership, within the government knowledge exchange program and within the framework of the strategic partnership in government modernization. Between the two countries.
The World Government Summit constitutes an inclusive platform that hosted in its most recent session, which is the largest in its history, and which concluded with the participation of more than 10 thousand businessmen, government officials, thought leaders and the most prominent global experts in the world, to anticipate the future of governments, as it focused since its launch on establishing a new system of partnerships. based on inspiring and shaping a new generation of future governments.

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