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The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department warns of the impact of social networking sites on children

The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department warned of the impact of social networking sites on children, during an awareness lecture entitled “The dangers of social networking sites and their effects on children”, organized by the department as part of its efforts to raise awareness among parents of school students about preventive means and methods to protect children. This ensures that they are spared any risks that may result from the wrong use of the Internet and various means of communication.

The organization of that lecture, which targeted a number of parents of Ajyal International School students in Al Falah district in Abu Dhabi, is part of the awareness initiatives aimed at promoting the dissemination of legal culture among the various segments of society, in implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Court. Presidency, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, by focusing on the awareness aspect in a way that contributes to maintaining stability and community security.

​The awareness lecture presented by Hind Al-Badwawi, a psychologist at the Family and Child Prosecution in Abu Dhabi, dealt with the controls and mechanisms for the proper use of communication sites, with an indication of the role of parents in protecting their children from the negative effects of unsafe dealings with the Internet, and ensuring that any wrong practice is corrected and appropriate action is taken. According to the age of the child, in a way that does not affect his behavior or personality.

It also focused on the need to discover the needs of children from using social networking sites, and to satisfy them in alternative ways, and the responsibility entrusted to the family in raising children according to solid foundations.

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