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Dubai and Abu Dhabi are among the least.. Learn about the world’s most crowded cities

Mobility analytics company Inrix’s annual global traffic scorecard, which identifies and ranks congestion and commuting trends in more than 1,000 cities in 50 countries, showed London the world’s busiest city for the second year in a row. There were 156 hours in congested traffic last year, up 5% from 2021.

According to the report, Dubai achieved a very distinguished position (990 globally) out of 1,000 cities, making its roads among the ten most smooth cities for its visitors in the world, according to the volume of traffic congestion, as drivers in the emirate spent up to 22 hours on average behind the wheels. last year. This is 54% higher than in 2021, but 17% lower than pre-pandemic 2019 levels.

Abu Dhabi ranked 991 globally in terms of traffic congestion, with an average of 12 hours drivers spent driving in 2022. This was 71% higher than the rates in 2021 and 2019.

The city of Al Ain ranked 750 out of 1000 global cities, with an average of 11 hours lost by drivers on the roads, Fujairah 880 with 6 hours, and Umm Al Quwain ranked 946 globally with only two hours spent by passengers in traffic on the roads.

Globally, after London, Chicago ranked second as the busiest city with 155 hours spent by drivers in traffic congestion, Paris came third with 138 hours, Boston fourth with 134 hours, while the fifth place for the busiest city went to New York with an average of 117 hours lost from drivers on city roads.

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