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Dubai and Abu Dhabi are among the most competitive labor markets in the world

If you’re in the market for a new job, you’ll find the biggest competition in the Middle East and tech hubs in California. Dubai, Doha and San Francisco are among the places with the highest number of candidates for each job posted on LinkedIn in February, according to a study from online resume builder Resume.io.

Resume looked at 130 global cities and every US state and tracked how many applications were submitted to jobs in the first week after they were advertised.

According to Bloomberg, Qatar’s dominance on the list is likely linked to its hosting of the World Cup last year. Since 2010, Doha has spent more than $250 billion as part of the preparations – building nearly 100 new hotels, expanding its port and airport and renovating its roads, among other things. Qatar has become a magnet for job seekers. Resume’s study showed that the job average had 399 applicants in February.

Dubai, as well as Abu Dhabi, are among the most competitive labor markets, and workers in the UAE do not pay income tax either. Some of the jobs driving the post-pandemic job market in the UAE include those related to specialized medical jobs and freelance digital content work, according to LinkedIn data.

Doha came first with an average of 399 applicants for each advertised job, followed by Dubai with 282.3, Istanbul with 163.2, followed by Johannesburg with 160.2, fifth Abu Dhabi with 148.8 applicants, sixth in Madrid (115.7), San Jose (107.6), Buenos Aires (104.1), and San Francisco. (91.9) and Tel Aviv (82.5).
According to Resmoy, the highest-ranking cities in the United States are located in Northern California. San Jose, known as the heart of Silicon Valley, had 108 applicants for every job posted on LinkedIn, while San Francisco had 92 applicants. Both locations command relatively high average salaries but are also among the most expensive places to live in the world.
Recently, widespread layoffs across major companies, including Meta and Google, have left a talent pool saturated with tech employees with nowhere to go, as industry-wide hiring has frozen the frequency of open job listings. .
Other major American cities were competitive, though they weren’t among the top 10 in the world. New York City, still struggling to match job offers before the pandemic, had just over 80 applicants per list, and Chicago, has. About 50 per post on LinkedIn. (bloomberg)

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