Home / News / UAE / UAE boats will undergo a speed test tomorrow in the “Formula 1” World Cup in France

UAE boats will undergo a speed test tomorrow in the “Formula 1” World Cup in France

Macon, June 30: Tomorrow, Saturday, an important stage in the race for the best time will begin in the third round of the Formula 1 World Championship, which will be hosted by the French city of Macon until next Sunday.

The boats of the Abu Dhabi team, the defending champion, the Sharjah team, and the “Victorian Team” team, representing the Emirates, embark on a strong challenge journey in order to compete to reach the highest speeds in the time qualifiers.
The Abu Dhabi team, the defending champion, is represented by the “Abu Dhabi 1” boat, led by Sean Torrente, and the “Abu Dhabi 2” boat, led by Thani Al Qamzi, while the boats of the Sharjah team and the boats of the “Victorian” team also participate in the competition, which witnesses the appearance of 20 boats in this round.

Emirati champion Thani Al-Qamzi, who is entering this round with high spirits, confirmed that there are great opportunities to compensate and return strongly to the front and compete in the tournament, especially after the period of training and exercises that the team spent in its camp in Italy before heading to the Macon round.

And he explained the size of the difficulties that he might face with his teammate Sean Torrente, to achieve the best time in the speed qualifiers, saying: “While the Abu Dhabi team prepared for the competition, the rest of the teams also prepared, and prepared themselves for this round, and I see that the ambitions of the competing drivers will make it a challenge It is very difficult in the fastest time qualifiers, everyone has the desire to achieve the speed title, and at the same time I also have my own ambition to do my best in order to achieve a strong start in the main race of the round, and we must achieve the best speed to facilitate the task of winning the race title and the round And stay at the heart of the competition in the overall standings.”

The competitions will start tomorrow with the enlightenment meeting for all the contestants, which will be held at 8:30 am French time, and then the free trials for the participating boats from 10:00 until 12:30, in two groups, then the start of the time qualifiers in 3 stages, starting from 3 in the afternoon until 4:15.

All boats are scheduled to enter the first qualifier, then 12 boats qualify for the second qualifier, provided that only 6 boats qualify for the third qualifier, competing for the best time and reaching the top of the speed.

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