Home / News / UAE / Dubai Police succeed in linking the weapon’s fingerprint system with the “Interpol” database

Dubai Police succeed in linking the weapon’s fingerprint system with the “Interpol” database

The Dubai Police General Command, represented by the General Department of Criminal Evidence and Criminology, was able to link the weapon fingerprint system with the database of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), in a specialized scientific achievement in the field of forensic sciences, which will contribute in the future to strengthening the ability of Dubai Police to conduct Comparisons with more than 1,800,000 weapon prints worldwide.
Major General Ahmed Thani bin Ghalita, Director of the General Department of Criminal Evidence and Criminology, confirmed that Dubai Police is the first police agency in the Arab countries to link the fingerprint of the weapon with the database of the “Interpol” organization, which contributes to strengthening its efforts in this important scientific specialty that helps in Unraveling the mystery of crimes, identifying the type of weapon and the identity of its user.
Major General Ibn Ghalaita indicated that the link with the “Interpol” database comes within the framework of the directives of Lieutenant General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, and the follow-up of Major General Expert Khalil Ibrahim Al-Mansouri, Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Criminal Investigation Affairs, to enhance communication with international police authorities under the umbrella of the Ministry of Interior. And work to keep abreast of all developments in forensic scientific disciplines, including the science of “weapon fingerprint”, because this science represents a pivotal importance in aspects of raising and analyzing physical evidence from the crime scene, and revealing its ambiguities, in a way that supports the progress of police investigations, in addition to presenting this evidence to the authorities. courts to achieve justice.

Major General Ibn Ghalaita stressed that linking the weapon’s fingerprint with the “Interpol” database will also contribute to supporting the directions of the Dubai Police General Command towards achieving police leadership for a safe city, and the vision of the Ministry of Interior in making the UAE one of the best countries in the world in achieving security and safety.

In turn, Captain Engineer Mohammed Abdullah Al Shamsi, Head of the Examination of Weapons and Machinery Traces Department at the General Department of Forensic Evidence and Criminology, explained that linking the weapon fingerprint system with Dubai Police with “Interpol” will contribute to the possibility of searching in more than one million and 800 thousand fingerprints worldwide in less than One hour, while preserving privacy, because the system does not allow users to browse the databases of others, but only shows the results of matches with the reference numbers of the data-entering entities, so that police institutions can communicate and coordinate with each other to follow up their investigative procedures, according to approved policies and systems. globally in this regard.
Captain Al Shamsi said: “The database of weapon fingerprints contributes to identifying the weapon used in one or more crimes. Another crime, which means contributing to access to important information about the identity of the perpetrator.
He added, “The weapon fingerprint system has the ability to decipher the ambiguity of criminal cases by linking unknown bullets and empty envelopes to each other, to identify whether those bullets came from one specific weapon or more.”

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