Home / News / UAE / Abu Dhabi Fund for Development… financing and implementing 75 renewable energy projects in 45 countries, with a value exceeding 4 billion dirhams

Abu Dhabi Fund for Development… financing and implementing 75 renewable energy projects in 45 countries, with a value exceeding 4 billion dirhams

Pioneering development achievements that support the spread of renewable energy projects globally.

Employing modern technologies and innovative solutions to reduce the phenomenon of climate change and enhance the efficiency of energy production from sustainable sources.

Providing sustainable societies for the beneficiary countries, whose residents enjoy safe and reliable supplies of energy.

– Strategic projects to improve the quality of life and reach a clean environment free of carbon emissions.

An initiative to finance renewable energy projects in cooperation with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

– Partnership Fund initiative between the UAE and Pacific Island countries.

The partnership fund initiative between the UAE and the Caribbean island countries.

Renewable Energy Transformation Accelerators Platform (ETAF).

From Ahmed Al Nuaimi.

Abu Dhabi, January 14 / The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development has a record full of exceptional achievements in the field of supporting the renewable energy sector. Its strategic goals and future aspirations are in line with the forward-looking vision of the UAE government and the directions of the wise leadership and its keenness to promote the spread of renewable energy projects in developing countries, and the employment of modern technologies and innovative and effective solutions. Which contribute to reducing the phenomenon of climate change, and enhance the efficiency of energy production from sustainable sources.

The Emirates News Agency, WAM, reviews the march of 51 years of sustainable development, as the fund funded many strategic projects within vital sectors that support the priority development goals and programs that the governments of developing countries aspire to achieve. Since 1974, its pioneering career began in supporting renewable energy projects, as it His efforts contributed to the financing and implementation of more than 75 projects, benefiting 45 countries around the world, with a financing value exceeding (4) billion dirhams.

These strategic projects were reflected in the provision of sustainable societies for the beneficiary countries, whose residents enjoy safe and reliable supplies of energy, and those projects worked to improve the quality of life and access to a clean environment free of carbon emissions, and the beneficiary countries were also able to reduce the use of fossil fuels, in addition to creating thousands of job opportunities. for its citizens, which was reflected positively in achieving the development process in a way that guarantees a more sustainable future for future generations.

The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development is keen to establish sustainable partnerships, so it has worked, in cooperation with its strategic partners from international organizations and national institutions, to enhance joint efforts to accelerate the pace of climate action, and to benefit from available development and investment opportunities, expertise, knowledge and innovative environmental solutions, thus contributing to advancing the global sustainability agenda. And transforming plans into sustainable projects that benefit present and future generations.

An initiative to finance renewable energy projects in cooperation with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

To promote the transition towards the use of renewable energy, the initiative was launched in 2013 with a value of $350 million. Within the framework of the initiative, the Fund financed 26 projects, benefiting 21 developing countries. The production capacity reached 265 megawatts. The initiative also contributed to providing approximately 88,000 job opportunities. The total beneficiaries of the initiative reached 4.5 million people.

Partnership Fund Initiative between the UAE and the Pacific Island States.

In 2013, the Fund financed projects in renewable energy within the initiative, at a value of $50 million, whereby 11 projects were implemented, and the total energy produced reached 6 megawatts. The projects contributed to achieving $3.7 million in fuel import costs, while the volume of carbon dioxide emissions decreased. 8,447 annually.

Partnership Fund initiative between the UAE and the Caribbean island countries.

In 2017, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development contributed to financing strategic projects in the Caribbean countries that support the renewable energy sector, at a value of $50 million, benefiting 16 islands, with a capacity of 9.43 megawatts of the total energy produced.

Renewable Energy Transformation Accelerators Platform (ETAF).

The platform was launched in cooperation with (IRENA) on the sidelines of the Climate Conference (COP26), and it is concerned with financing and investing in renewable energy projects. The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development is the first development institution to join the platform and provides financing in the amount of $ 400 million, as the platform aims to reach total financing of $ 1 billion dollars until the year 2030, and the global platform supports reducing the challenges facing developing countries represented in securing the necessary financing and expertise, and contributes to promoting the spread of renewable energy projects using the best solutions and innovative technologies.

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