Home / News / UAE / Abdullah bin Zayed launches the slogan “COP 28”, which is inspired by the concept of “one world”, adopts cooperation … and reflects the message of building bridges of dialogue

Abdullah bin Zayed launches the slogan “COP 28”, which is inspired by the concept of “one world”, adopts cooperation … and reflects the message of building bridges of dialogue

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, launched the official logo and visual identity of the twenty-eighth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which will be held in the UAE at Dubai Expo City from March 30. November to December 12, 2023.

And based on the concept that we are all residents of “one world”, the design came in a spherical shape in light and dark green colors, and includes a group of various symbols related to climate action, such as human beings, renewable energy technology, and elements of wildlife and nature, all contained within the shape of a globe. Together, these elements reflect the wealth of natural resources and human technology, and stress the need for innovation in all sectors to achieve a quantum leap in comprehensive sustainable development.

The design is a signal to the international community of the need to unite and combine efforts to take urgent climate action, and move forward on a path that includes everyone to meet global climate commitments in a cooperative manner and joint global action. The slogan confirms the basic messages of the Conference of the Parties «COP 28» that it will be a conference for cooperation, concerted efforts, building bridges of dialogue between the countries of the North and the South, and the inclusion of the government and private sectors, the scientific community, civil society, women, and youth, where all these groups were represented within the various symbols found in visual identity.

The slogan also reinforces the emphasis on the approach of the Conference of the Parties “COP 28” to be practical, inclusive and contain all, and raise ambitions, to move the world from setting goals to implementing them on the topics of “mitigation”, “adaptation”, “financing”, and “losses and damages”. .

It highlights the relationship between humanity, nature, technology and innovation
Focusing on achieving the results of “mitigation,” “adaptation,” “financing,” and “losses and damages.”

Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Special Envoy for Climate Change of the UAE, President-designate of the COP28 Conference, said: “We live in one world, a world in which we need cooperation and comprehensive and complementary action, to achieve a quantum leap in progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement. According to the guidance and vision of the leadership, we will ensure that the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) focuses on cooperation, action, concerted efforts, building bridges of dialogue between the countries of the North and the South, in addition to applying the approach of leaving no one behind. During the conference, we will work to reconcile opinions and strive to achieve a global consensus, so that we can achieve progress, raise the ceiling of climate ambition, and move from the stage of setting goals to their implementation.”

The new logo and visual identity will be used in all materials related to the COP28 conference hosted by the UAE, including the newly launched conference website, as well as on the event site in Dubai Expo City.

Earlier in January, the UAE announced the assignment of a leadership team to the Conference of the Parties (COP28), which will work closely with the Egyptian presidency of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) and the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to support a comprehensive and integrated agenda for this global climate event. .

The UAE looks forward to welcoming the world to the COP28 Conference of the Parties and to working with all concerned parties to achieve balanced, ambitious and inclusive results and outputs for all, as a legacy that gives hope to future generations.

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