Home / News / UAE / Ali bin Tamim: The Arabic language is the cultural vessel of heritage, culture, Arab thought and national identity

Ali bin Tamim: The Arabic language is the cultural vessel of heritage, culture, Arab thought and national identity

Abu Dhabi on December 17th

Dr. Ali bin Tamim, President of the Abu Dhabi Center for the Arabic Language, said on the occasion of the International Day of the Arabic Language that the world celebrates on December 18 of each year the International Day of the Arabic Language, a celebration that confirms the status of the Arabic language as the cultural vessel for heritage, culture and Arab thought in all its dimensions and aspects, and its importance in human civilization. , and its influence on the language of science and literature for many centuries.

He added: Believing in the importance of the Arabic language as one of the pillars of national identity, the wise leadership of the UAE has adopted many initiatives and led efforts that preserve this language’s status.

He stressed that the Abu Dhabi Center for the Arabic Language embodies this civilized role played by Abu Dhabi, as it is an entity concerned with consolidating the status of the Arabic language and enhancing its presence among the languages of the world, through its contribution to its advancement, and devoting attention to adopting it in various fields and activities, as a language of science, culture and creativity, and enabling the production of Arabic content and the development of digital technologies related to the Arabic language.

Ali bin Tamim stated that, in this context, the Abu Dhabi Center for the Arabic Language launched and sponsored a group of programs, events and initiatives that promote these trends, including the Sheikh Zayed Book Award, which enjoys a leading position among the most prominent literary awards, and the “Generation Treasure” and “Gold Narrative” awards. In addition to local book fairs and festivals, and international conferences.

The center also encourages the scientific research movement, through the research grants it provides and through the issuance of the center’s scientific journal in cooperation with Brill, and supports the translation movement from and to the Arabic language through the “Kalima for Translation” project, which stimulates civilized interaction between the Arabic language and the various cultures of the world.

He concluded that this busy march will undoubtedly continue by launching more initiatives and projects towards improving the Arabic language and expanding its use in human communication.

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