Home / News / UAE / Guterres warns of the dangers of climate change to the world and calls for action to confront it

Guterres warns of the dangers of climate change to the world and calls for action to confront it

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sent a message to world leaders who meet next week at the United Nations headquarters in New York calling on them to work to reduce the temperature now and thus stop the floods in the world.

In a press conference held today at the headquarters of the International Organization ahead of the high-segment of the 77th session of the General Assembly next week, Guterres urged all countries, led by the Group of Twenty, to strengthen their national targets to reduce emissions annually in order to limit the rise in global temperature by 1.5 degrees.

He warned that the tragedies of climate change will multiply unless action is taken now, and warned that it is the least developed and most vulnerable countries in the world that pay a heavy price as a result of climate change.

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