Home / News / UAE / “Abu Dhabi Judiciary” warns against falling behind fake offers to sell currencies at reduced prices

“Abu Dhabi Judiciary” warns against falling behind fake offers to sell currencies at reduced prices

August 17th

The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department has warned community members not to be tempted by fake offers to sell currencies at reduced prices, which are in fact forged or belong to suspicious sources.
The department explained that fraudsters take advantage of holidays and official holidays to promote the sale of currencies at reduced prices through social media, presenting attractive offers to exchange these currencies, which are in fact forged or belong to suspicious sources.
The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department calls on members of society not to be led by these fake advertisements and offers, and the need to deal through the official channels of institutions and exchange companies licensed in the country, and to avoid communicating with promoters of counterfeit currencies, so that they are not subject to legal accountability.

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