Home / News / UAE / The “Colleges of Technology” receives 1,700 new students, with the start of the second semester

The “Colleges of Technology” receives 1,700 new students, with the start of the second semester

The Higher Colleges of Technology held the activities of the induction program for new students admitted for the second semester of the current academic year 2022-2023, whose number is more than 1,700 students.
The students were introduced to the nature of study in the colleges in terms of academic programs, services, facilities, and aspects of excellence in studying in colleges, including the linkage of all programs with international professional certificates, in addition to the free creative economic zones, to graduate companies and entrepreneurs from among the students.
Dr. Faisal Al-Ayyan, Director of the Higher Colleges of Technology Complex, delivered a speech to the new students, congratulating them on their enrollment in the colleges. He called on the students to take advantage of all the opportunities available in the colleges in light of a stimulating and encouraging educational environment, pointing to the nature of the programs and majors offered by the colleges that are required in the labor market, and the advantage that All of these programs are linked to internationally accredited professional certificates, and have been developed in accordance with the best international standards related to applied education.
He also talked about the importance of the private sector as an essential and vital partner in the economic development of the country, and the need for UAE youth to be active and influential in this sector, explaining that the colleges’ programs are a main gateway to entering this sector with all its components of preparation and empowerment, in addition to the colleges’ keenness to provide training opportunities. For students in private sector institutions, to enable them to get acquainted with this sector and to support their employment opportunities in the future.
He stated that the Colleges of Technology, as the largest higher education institution distinguished by applied studies, represent a major tributary to the labor market. Where it has a developed and integrated work environment and highly qualified teaching and administrative staff, and everyone works according to a clear work strategy, centered on the student to reach the outputs required for the future labor market, stressing his confidence in the students’ awareness of their responsibilities during the years of study and their keenness to achieve the highest rates to be outputs that the colleges and the country are proud of They contribute to the process of construction and development.
For his part, Ahmed Al-Mulla, Director of the Department of Success and Student Life in the colleges, explained that the activities of the introductory meeting lasted for two consecutive days in all branches of the 16 colleges and were prepared to ensure that new students clearly identify their scientific journey in the colleges, with the aim of enabling them to live an effective and distinguished experience, and benefit From all the opportunities available to them, to develop their performance and achieve the best results.
He pointed out that focus has been placed on introducing students to the specializations offered by the colleges, directing them to the most prominent future majors required in line with national trends, and informing them of government initiatives that support their choice of majors, and their future employment opportunities, including the “Nafes” program for employing national competencies in the private sector.
He added that there is also a focus on educating students about the role played by colleges in terms of preparing them as entrepreneurs, and opening the way for them to establish their own emerging companies while they are in their studies through the free creative economic zones, which represent an environment that incubates students’ innovative ideas and develops them until they are transformed into a startup company. It has a commercial license and is able to carry out its activity in the market.
He stressed that the introductory meeting represents an important opportunity for students to plan their path in the colleges in cooperation with academic supervisors and career advisors, and guide them on how to manage their academic life at the level of selecting courses and coordinating schedules, knowing how each student follows up on his academic performance and getting acquainted with the opportunities for academic support provided by the colleges in order to achieve success and excellence. .

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