Home / News / UAE / To ensure that students pass safely and securely, a fine of 1,000 dirhams and 10 traffic points .. Abu Dhabi Police calls on drivers to stop when opening the stop arm of school buses

To ensure that students pass safely and securely, a fine of 1,000 dirhams and 10 traffic points .. Abu Dhabi Police calls on drivers to stop when opening the stop arm of school buses

Through digital traffic awareness, Abu Dhabi Police called on motorists to adhere to a full stop when opening the side (stop) arm of school buses in both directions, with a distance of no less than five meters, to ensure that students cross safely and securely, explaining that a fine of 1000 dirhams will be applied, and 10 Traffic points, in the event that drivers do not stop, when they see the “stop” signal for school buses, and a fine of 500 dirhams, and 6 traffic points, when the bus driver does not open the “stop” signal.

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