Home / News / UAE / The “Policeman is Your Neighbor” initiative contributes to reducing criminal reports by 15% in residential areas in Dubai

The “Policeman is Your Neighbor” initiative contributes to reducing criminal reports by 15% in residential areas in Dubai

Dubai, January 11: The statistics of the Crime Prevention Department in the General Department of Criminal Investigations and Investigations in Dubai Police revealed that the community initiative “The Policeman is Your Neighbor” contributed to reducing the number of criminal communications registered in residential areas in Dubai during the past year by 15%, by By focusing on a set of objectives, including the implementation of problem-based policing, and the provision of activities for youth in education, after-school programs and workshops.
The “Policeman is Your Neighbor” initiative has also monitored about 1,400 community observations over the past two years.
Colonel Aref Ali Bishuh, Director of the Crime Prevention Department at the General Department of Criminal Investigations and Investigations, said that the policeman is your neighbor initiative is one of the community police initiatives that are based on consolidating and linking relations between policemen and society, in order to develop effective communication channels with community members, to find solutions. to societal problems.
He pointed out that the initiative is distinguished by its work team, which contributed significantly to spreading intellectual awareness among all citizens and residents, urging and encouraging them to communicate with the police, build positive community relations through meaningful social work, consolidate the values of cooperation and cohesion, spread security culture and communicate with residents of residential areas. and neighborhoods, and hearing their problems and working to solve them and remedy the expected problems, and find amicable solutions.
He added that the idea of the policeman is your neighbor aims to break barriers between the public and police institutions, pointing out that Dubai Police is keen to continuously develop the initiative by reviewing the best practices in community police applications in Japan, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, with the aim of informing Comprehensive mechanisms for the work of community police in those countries, starting with the concept, passing through the skills that must be available in officers, and ending with the powers of the officers and the mechanisms for measuring their effectiveness in society.
For his part, Captain Hammoud Mohammed Al-Muqbali, Head of the Community Police Department in the Crime Prevention Department, said that the initiative attracted more than 800 volunteers from Dubai Police employees and community members with experience and competence, as they were chosen based on several criteria, most notably proficiency in several languages, and enjoyment of With communication and persuasion skills, the ability to solve problems, and work within one team, especially since each volunteer has to communicate with his neighbors in his area of residence and get to know them, and introduce them to the goals of “the policeman is your neighbor”, and communicate with them constantly to hear their problems and suggestions and work to resolve disputes that may occur between neighbors amicably. , or submitting it to the center of jurisdiction in the event that reconciliation is not possible, in addition to strengthening the bonds between him and the neighbors.
He added that the volunteers of the initiative participated in more than 15 activities, the most prominent of which was the story of a 14-year-old girl who asked for help from the police, and by talking to her and identifying the type of problem, she reported that she suffers from several problems with her family, and after listening to her, the concerned parties involved the Foundation Dubai Women and Children Care to follow up on the case and communicate with her family.
He pointed out that the initiative also contributed to the safe return of a five-year-old Asian child to his family, after he got lost from his family’s home in a residential area in Dubai.

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