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Mohammed bin Rashid: What can a country accomplish in 365 days?

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, may God protect him, shared a video on his Highness’ account on “Instagram”, which started with a question: What can a country accomplish in 365 days?

The answer comes in the form of a census of the UAE’s achievements in the year 2022, which was able to break the impossible in every matter it tackles, under its leadership that does not know the impossible.

The Emirates that made the impossible a challenge and a goal to break it.

It succeeded in hosting the whole world after that was impossible in light of a pandemic that crippled the world for two years, through “Expo 2020 Dubai”, which witnessed unparalleled success.

It is impossible to defy the rules of engineering to build an architectural icon.

– It is impossible for the volume of world trade to increase in light of the global recession.. The UAE made it a reality by achieving a growth in its non-oil trade by 19%, to reach 1.6 trillion dirhams.

– It is impossible for a modern country to reach the moon.. The Emirates turned it into a reality by launching the first Arab and regional legislator to explore the moon.

It is impossible for a country to receive millions of tourists after a global pandemic.. The UAE broke it by receiving 22 million tourists after the end of the “Covid 19” pandemic.

It is impossible for a 50-year-old country to top global development indicators. The UAE has established this as a reality by topping 171 global development indicators.

– It is impossible for all countries in the world to open their doors to you without a visa.. The UAE achieved this by topping the world rankings for the most powerful passport by entering 180 countries without the need for a visa.

It is impossible to collect a billion meals for the world’s poor. The UAE did that in just one month.

It is impossible to encourage millions of Arab students to read. The UAE did so through the largest global reading challenge, the “Arab Reading Challenge”, which brought together 22 million students.

It is impossible for an oil country to be the largest investor in clean energy. The UAE did so by signing an agreement worth $100 billion to invest in clean energy.

It is impossible for an oil country to lead the largest global dialogue on climate change.. The UAE hosts the “COP 28” summit, with 140 heads of state and government attending.

It is impossible for it to be an oasis of security and stability in a region rife with turmoil. The UAE achieved this by topping the security index and roaming safely at night.

The video concludes with a phrase that summarizes the situation: “This is the UAE in 2022… a leadership that does not know the impossible, and a country that creates the future and does not wait for it.”

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