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A memorandum of understanding between the UAE and Armenia to regulate the recruitment of Armenian workers

Dubai on December 14th

The government of the UAE signed a memorandum of understanding with the government of the Republic of Armenia to regulate the work of Armenian citizens in the UAE.
The signing of the memorandum stems from the existing friendship between the two countries and the desire to consolidate bilateral ties by enhancing cooperation in the field of manpower, which contributes to improving the management of the contractual work cycle for workers of Armenian nationality in the UAE.
The memorandum was signed by His Excellency Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmanan Al Awar, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, and His Excellency Dr. Narik Mkrtchian, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.
Al-Awar stressed: “The UAE seeks to strengthen its relations with various countries of the world, and is keen within the framework of these relations based on respect and mutual understanding to guarantee the rights of workers heading from those countries to work in the UAE, based on the human values that govern its foreign and domestic policies.”
He added, “We are confident that we are on the verge of a new phase of consolidating cooperation with the friendly Republic of Armenia in the field of manpower, and we seek to witness further development in this cooperation in the coming years.”
For his part, Mkrtchian expressed his happiness at signing the memorandum of understanding, stressing his country’s keenness to strengthen cooperation relations between the two countries in various fields of work to serve common interests.
The memorandum of understanding specified the organization of the entry, residence and employment of citizens of the Republic of Armenia to work in the UAE in accordance with the state’s legislation. It also stipulated joint cooperation in managing the contractual work cycle, including the use of technology, exchange of information and studies in the field of employment, strengthening legislation and provisions related to combating human trafficking, and regulating the work of agencies. Private employment in order to implement fair and transparent recruitment practices and ensure compliance with the provisions and rule of law by all parties concerned with the recruitment and employment of Armenian nationals to work in the UAE, as well as cooperation in other technical or related fields of human resource development agreed upon by the parties, and the implementation of programs and activities joint, including pre-departure and post-arrival awareness programmes

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