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The Abu Dhabi Center for the Arabic Language launches the Research Grants Program

The Abu Dhabi Center for the Arabic Language, affiliated to the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi, launched the third round of the research grants program, which achieved remarkable success during the previous two sessions.

Dr. Ali bin Tamim, head of the center, confirmed that the research grants program launched by the center in 2021 represents an important incentive for researchers in the field of the Arabic language, and reflects the great keenness to advance scientific research in the Arabic language and its fields of knowledge, and enhances Abu Dhabi’s cultural status and its pioneering role in supporting the Arabic language and promoting her presence.

For his part, Saeed Hamdan Al-Tunaiji, Executive Director of the Center, stressed the importance of the research grants program in enhancing the academic research process in various fields of the Arabic language, pointing out that the center provided six research grants in the year 2021 and eight grants in the year 2022, distributed to researchers from different countries. Arabic.

The announcement of the grants included several conditions, the most important of which is that the research should not be less than 50,000 words, and that the research be related to one of the following fields: (Arabic lexicon, linguistic studies, literature and criticism, curricula for teaching Arabic to native speakers and others, reviewing manuscripts), and that the research should be novel. And academic standards, and that it be consistent with the center’s strategy and directions, and that it should not be published or presented to any other party.

The announcement indicated that two or more researchers can participate in submitting one research, referring to the mechanism for applying for the grant program, whereby the researcher sends his CV and the initial outline of the research to the email: Grant@dctabudhabi.ae, no later than February 15, 2023, provided that it includes the application for candidacy preliminary research outline

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