Home / News / UAE / Egypt expresses its strong condemnation of the attack on East Jerusalem and warns of the dangers of escalation

Egypt expresses its strong condemnation of the attack on East Jerusalem and warns of the dangers of escalation

Cairo, January 28, Egypt expressed its total rejection and strong condemnation of the attack in East Jerusalem, which claimed the lives of a number of people and injured others, affirming its condemnation of all operations that target civilians.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Egypt warned of the severe dangers of the ongoing escalation between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, and demanded the exercise of maximum restraint, and an end to aggression and provocative measures, in order to avoid slipping into a vicious cycle of violence that exacerbates the political and humanitarian situation, and undermines truce efforts and all chances of re-establishment. Revive the peace process.

Egypt offered its sincere condolences to the families of the victims, wishing a speedy recovery for the injured.

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