Home / News / UAE / One million dirhams of Zakat Fund expenditures during the first half of 2023

One million dirhams of Zakat Fund expenditures during the first half of 2023

Abu Dhabi, July 14 / The expenditures of the Zakat Fund amounted to 98 million dirhams and 731 thousand and 594 dirhams during the first half of this year, an increase of 19% for the same period in 2022. Beneficiaries benefited from it within 21 projects, all of which fall under the legal banks for the obligation of zakat.

Dr. Abdul Rahman Salman Al Hammadi, Director of the Zakat Resources Department and Media, said that the Disbursement Committee held during the first half of 2023 about 103 meetings, of which 60 were video (remotely) and 43 meetings by passing, during which it approved the provision of 98 million and 731 thousand and 594 dirhams to beneficiaries from needy families. 6150 families who meet the conditions of entitlement to zakat.

He added that the increase in the volume of aid for this year comes to the role played by the Fund in studying cases, and comparing them with the emerging economic conditions and the Fund’s reliance on the inflation index.

Regarding the nature of the projects and the amounts spent on them, Dr. Abdul Rahman explained that the project of affection for the “citizen, the wife of a non-citizen” is among the highest spent projects during the period, as its expenditures amounted to 21 million 731 thousand and 400 dirhams, benefiting about 444 families due in monthly amounts, followed by the beneficiaries of zakat funds From the “Double Income” project, where the total expenditures amounted to 12,388,105 dirhams, benefiting 789 eligible families with monthly amounts as well, and then the beneficiaries of zakat funds from the “cohesion” project for divorced women, as the total expenditures amounted to 12,153,500 Dirhams benefited 361 eligible families, while the expenses are then distributed among the rest of the projects according to the beneficiaries.

Dr. Al-Hammadi stressed that the Zakat Fund supports the beneficiary segments of the eligible categories through ongoing projects throughout the year, and those in charge of the Fund are keen to constantly upgrade its projects that stem from the legitimate zakat banks, in addition to the speed of response to disbursement through the weekly meetings of the Disbursement Committee, to expedite greater achievement. amount of transactions and in the least possible time.

Dr. Abd al-Rahman al-Hammadi thanked the benefactors and customers for choosing the Zakat Fund as the first destination for paying their zakat, stressing that the fund is a federal government institution, and that there are approved and continuously updated zakat disbursement regulations based on the Sharia banks mentioned in the Book of God Almighty, in addition to the existence of a Sharia committee It is composed of members known for their knowledge and competence, working with credibility and transparency in accordance with Sharia controls, in addition to the presence of internal control represented by the Office of Audit, Oversight and Follow-up, and external control represented by the Audit Bureau and the external auditor.

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