Home / News / UAE / Minister of Justice: The UAE has taken serious steps towards a dynamic national system to eliminate the crime of human trafficking

Minister of Justice: The UAE has taken serious steps towards a dynamic national system to eliminate the crime of human trafficking

Abu Dhabi, July 30 / His Excellency Abdullah bin Sultan bin Awad Al Nuaimi, Minister of Justice, affirmed the UAE’s endeavor to eradicate the crime of human trafficking within a framework that promotes human rights principles and respects international conventions, as the state has taken serious and steady steps towards a dynamic and developed national system that works to eliminate On the crime of human trafficking and the protection of its victims.
His Excellency said, in a statement on the occasion of the International Day for Combating Human Trafficking, which falls on July 30 of each year, that the UAE came at the forefront of the countries in the region that have joined the Convention on Combating Transnational Organized Crime and its complementary protocol on the prohibition, suppression and punishment of trafficking in persons, especially women and children, and was keen on consistency All its national efforts to combat crime comply with the standards and provisions of these important international conventions.
His Excellency stressed that the challenges, and in light of the development of patterns of human trafficking crime, necessitated us to build strong bridges of cooperation between the concerned national and international authorities and support them with modern technology means to enhance our system with the speed and flexibility necessary to confront this crime, whose perpetrators are constantly developing their criminal methods to entrap their victims. The UAE empowers victims and pays special attention to them in its National Law No. 51 of 2006 regarding combating human trafficking crimes and its amendments to be the legislative guarantee that guarantees protection of rights while ensuring that perpetrators do not go unpunished.
His Excellency noted that the members of the National Committee for Combating the Crime of Human Trafficking worked this year on proposing a set of legislative amendments to Law No. 51 of 2006 aimed at toughening penalties for offenders and expanding protection services provided to victims, which contributes significantly to achieving public deterrence and keeping the law abreast of new criminal methods. .

He explained that the National Committee was keen to coordinate efforts at the various national and international levels among all concerned parties, and has worked since 2012 to develop a framework that regulates its work and the work of its member bodies. punishment, protection of victims and promotion of international cooperation.
At the end of his statement, His Excellency the Minister of Justice affirmed the constant and tireless endeavor to eradicate this heinous crime, with our belief in the centrality of cooperation at the various national, regional and international levels, calling on all partners from countries, United Nations agencies and civil society organizations to join efforts to confront this transnational crime.

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