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The UAE Space Agency and Amazon Web Services (AWS) sign an agreement to enhance cooperation and support the growth and sustainability of the space sector

During the activities of the second day of the Abu Dhabi Space Dialogue.
Ibrahim Al-Qasim: We seek through the agreement to support our national cadres and the private sector with the required skills and educational programs and to enable companies operating in the sector with advanced applications.

Wojcic Bagda: We look forward to working through the agreement with the UAE Space Agency, which continues to make important contributions to science and the global space industry.


Abu Dhabi on December 7th

The UAE Space Agency and Amazon Web Services – AWS, concluded an agreement with the aim of managing data, strengthening the space industry in the country, supporting building a competitive and sustainable space sector in the UAE, and exchanging expertise in the field of space.
The agreement was signed on the sidelines of the “Abu Dhabi Space Dialogue” by His Excellency Ibrahim Al Qassim, Deputy Director General of the UAE Space Agency, and Wojcic Bagda, Director of the Public Sector in the Middle East and Africa at Amazon Web Services.
The agreement stipulates the strengthening of joint work between the two parties to meet the challenges facing the space sector, and to accelerate innovation and digital transformation within the companies and institutions of the public and private sectors in the country, by launching a number of initiatives, including: the “Space Industry Development Program” and the “Talents Program for Space”, and the “Open Data Sponsorship Program”.
The space industry development program in the country is based on promoting the growth of space enterprises, in addition to providing an enabling environment for startups in the field of space, by allowing them to access Amazon applications for companies AWS Activate and AWS Founders, and providing access for those companies to Amazon experts. experts in this field.
As for the Talents for Space programme, it includes training, support and development of talents in the space industry in the UAE, especially with regard to cloud computing and big data, in addition to supporting research institutions in the country with the Cloud Career Pathways approach.
The third initiative of the Open Data Sponsorship Program comes to consolidate cooperation between all stakeholders in the space sector and related research in the country, through the sharing of data sets for initiatives that rely on space data, including space monitoring programs and awareness of its conditions, via AWS.
His Excellency Ibrahim Al Qassim stressed the importance that the UAE Space Agency attaches to international cooperation and coordination between the public and private sectors in the field of space, calling for continuing work to strengthen efforts within the framework of supporting space industries and providing them with the required national talents and cadres.
Al Qassim said: “We have emerging companies and talented national cadres capable of innovation and creativity to achieve the best results and continue the country’s march of achievement and accumulated successes in the space sector. The agreement with Amazon Web Services comes as part of our ambitions and goals to support our national cadres with the required skills and educational programs, in addition to enabling Startups, small and medium companies operating in the sector with the best advanced programs and applications.
For his part, Wojcic Bagda said that this agreement focuses on providing space companies, youth workers and national talent with the technical tools and resources they need to achieve long-term success.
Bagda added: “We look forward to working with the UAE Space Agency through these three initiatives, as the agency continues to make important contributions to science and the global space industry, and we are confident that this cooperation will achieve positive and qualitative results in the local space sector in the country, which will be reflected in global level.”
The UAE Space Agency views international relations and cooperation as elements of great importance for achieving short and long-term strategic goals. Since its establishment, it has been keen to cooperate with international partners in the fields of space science and peaceful exploration of outer space.
The importance of the agency’s international cooperation stems from its conviction that working with partners from all over the world is the best way to build competencies and accelerate the development of space technologies and the space sector in the UAE in general.

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