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Crown Prince of Ajman issues a decision to amend the organizational structure of the Department of Economic Development

Ajman, July 26 / His Highness Sheikh Ammar bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman and Chairman of the Executive Council, issued Emiri Decision No. (4) of 2023 AD, amending the organizational structure of the Department of Economic Development, and it shall be implemented from the date of signing it.

Article (1) of it stipulates that this decision shall be called Executive Council Chairman Decision No. (4) for the year 2023 AD, according to which the organizational structure of the Department of Economic Development in Ajman attached to it was approved, which also includes the establishment of the Ajman Competitiveness Office.

Based on this decision, Resolution No. (2) of 2021 approving the organizational structure of the Department of Economic Development was canceled, without prejudice to the validity of any decisions issued, or procedures taken according to it.

The decision authorized the head of the Department of Economic Development in Ajman to issue the decisions necessary to implement this decision, including defining the tasks of the organizational units covered by the approved organizational structure in accordance with its provisions.

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette and circulated to the concerned authorities to act accordingly, each in its own jurisdiction.

It is worth noting that Resolution No. (14) of 2023 regarding approving the terms of reference of the organizational units in the Department of Economic Development defined the terms of reference of the Ajman Competitiveness Office in preparing policies, studies and research for economic projects, expressing economic opinion in any studies referred to it, and submitting studies and periodic reports on global competitiveness and tracking business. And to identify the areas of improvement and their reflection on the regulations, procedures, laws and legislations of the Emirate, and to define the Emirate’s competitive position compared to the Emirates and other countries and to present models of best global, regional and local practices, which contribute to raising the Emirate’s competitiveness.

The decision clarified the departments that belong to the Ajman Competitiveness Office, which is the economic planning department that specializes in preparing policy projects, research and feasibility studies for economic projects for the department, as well as providing advice to the department in the field of economic initiatives, methodologies for studies and research, preparing economic reports, brochures, brochures and periodic publications related to the activities and works of the department and the conduct of activities. and economic activities in the Emirate, in addition to collecting and analyzing information, statistics, and indicators related to all economic activities in the Emirate, and providing a reference database in this regard, updating it, and preserving it using advanced technical means.

The Economic Planning Section is also responsible for proposing solutions to the problems facing establishments and economic projects in the Emirate, setting up and following up the implementation of programs necessary to raise the efficiency and quality of their economic performance, in addition to studying the federal and local economic legislation in force in the Emirate from the economic point of view and proposing aspects of their development.

The Economic Planning Section monitors economic, global, regional and local changes and analyzes their implications for the emirate’s economy, and identifies and describes the economic indicators of the Department of Economic Development in the Emirate of Ajman and aligns them with the emirate’s economic vision.

It is also affiliated to the Ajman Competitiveness Office, the Competitiveness Department, which specializes in preparing strategies that ensure the enhancement of the emirate’s competitiveness and following up their implementation after their approval, monitoring global competitiveness reports and following up the level of indicators achieved by the emirate to provide whatever recommendations it deems appropriate in this regard to the concerned authorities, and implementing training programs, seminars and workshops in the field of competitiveness.

The Emiri decision entrusted the Competitiveness Department with proposing policies, legislation, strategies and initiatives aimed at enhancing competitiveness in the emirate and submitting reports thereon to the Executive Council, coordinating and cooperating with the concerned authorities to measure and raise the competitiveness of the emirate and work on integrating competitive efforts, promoting and disseminating a culture of competitiveness in local government agencies and others, and representing the emirate. At national and international conferences and forums related to competitiveness.

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