Home / News / UAE / 159 billion dirhams, the value of 11 environmentally friendly energy projects in the UAE, 7035.75 megawatts of clean energy produced by the country during 2021

159 billion dirhams, the value of 11 environmentally friendly energy projects in the UAE, 7035.75 megawatts of clean energy produced by the country during 2021

Suhail bin Muhammad Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, confirmed that the number of major environmentally friendly energy projects in the UAE that have been completed and are being constructed reaches 11 projects, with a value of 159 billion dirhams, by the end of the year 2022. He said in exclusive statements to “WAM”: The UAE’s production of clean and environmentally friendly energy during the year 2021 reached 7035.75 megawatts, which reflects the country’s efforts in the field of clean energy, as it is one of the world leaders in relying on renewable energy despite its large oil reserves, and it is still a pioneer in adopting the best international practices in the energy sector. Along with the latest global technological developments. He pointed to the UAE’s launch of the first unified energy strategy, the National Energy Strategy 2050, which targets a mix of renewable and clean energy sources to ensure a balance between economic needs and environmental goals and reduce dependence on other fuel sources over the next three decades. He added that the UAE has adopted, in order to sustain the renewable energy sector and preserve the environment, the latest innovations that drive the path of sustainable development, and is one of the first countries to ratify the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Energy security

Al Mazrouei pointed out that the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has begun drawing features of the future of the energy sector for the next fifty years, by starting the stage of reviewing the energy strategy 2050 and preparing the national hydrogen strategy based on the achievements made during the past fifty years and preparing for the next stage by enhancing readiness for the future and preparing policies and strategies and adopting A proactive approach that supports the UAE’s global leadership and enhances its position as a global model for comprehensive and sustainable development in the energy sector, which is a major supporter of the national economy, as clean energy is an essential part of the future energy mix. Regarding the achievement percentages achieved in the energy strategy 2050 that was announced.. Suhail Al Mazrouei said that the contribution of clean energy reached 19.63% of the energy mix in 2021, while the contribution of renewable energy reached 12%, while the contribution of peaceful nuclear energy reached 7.55. % of the energy mix in the country by the end of the year 2021. On the expected changes in the UAE’s plans towards renewable energy.. Suhail Al Mazrouei said that the global turmoil in energy supplies has led to problems related to energy security and will therefore lead to a focus on using the lowest-priced resources available locally to meet energy requirements In the country, with the increase in exports of the non-oil sector from the UAE, the global competitiveness of local manufacturing will play a major role, and this can be achieved through the use of low-cost local energy resources and technologies.

solar energy

He pointed out that the UAE has huge potential of solar energy, and the low costs of solar energy will enhance energy security in the country and its competitiveness in an economical and affordable manner, adding that renewable energy sources will not only help achieve energy security in a competitive manner, but will also help achieve Climate neutrality goals 2050. He added that the increase in renewable energy sources requires transportation upgrades and investments in storage technologies to meet energy requirements reliably with the expected decrease in storage costs. In addition to commercializing long-term storage technologies, long-term storage technologies will play a major role in decarbonizing energy. Network in a reliable and affordable way.

2023 forecast

With regard to the expectations of the performance of the global oil markets during the year 2023.. Al Mazrouei said that there are many factors related to the oil market that are considered the main driver of oil prices during the current year 2023, as there are factors that may push prices to rise, including China ending the zero Covid policy. And the decision of the United States to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the sanctions imposed on Russian petroleum products transported by sea and the continuation of global inflation, and in return there are other factors that may negatively affect prices such as the global recession and the decline in Chinese demand for oil as well as the resumption of energy trade between Russia and the European Union and other factors. influential.

carbon emissions

Regarding the local energy scene, with the commercial operation of the third unit close to the Barakah station, he said that the Barakah station is one of the most important innovative energy projects during the transition to environmentally friendly energy sources, in addition to being a basic pillar of sustainable development and energy security and stability, by accelerating the reduction of the carbon footprint of the sector Energy, as the four stations, once fully operational, will annually reduce 22.4 million tons of carbon emissions, which are the main cause of climate change. And that the operation of the third station of the Barakah peaceful nuclear energy plants in the Al Dhafra region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, in 2022, is a new achievement and great progress that has been achieved during the process of developing the four Barakah stations, which is the first multi-station peaceful nuclear energy project in the operating phase in the Arab world and plays a pivotal role. In the process of accelerating the reduction of the carbon footprint of the energy sector in the UAE in order to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

He added that this achievement comes at a time when many countries are seeking to mitigate the effects of energy shortages as a result of the current energy crisis in the world, which confirms the positive results of the studied future vision of the UAE when it took the decision in 2008 to add peaceful nuclear energy to the portfolio of diversified energy sources. It has resulted in providing a reliable source of environmentally friendly primary load electricity in the country. He pointed out that the third station, once it is commercially operational, will add up to another 1,400 megawatts of empty electricity

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