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30 thousand companies join the membership of the Dubai Chamber in the first half

Members’ exports exceed 137 billion dirhams


The Dubai Chamber of Commerce, one of the three chambers operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers, revealed that it has achieved significant growth in the number of its members, and the high value of exports and re-exports of its members in the first half of 2023, which reflects the competitiveness of Dubai and its business community, and the Chamber’s commitment to achieving its strategic priorities that aim to Support Dubai’s developmental and economic aspirations, enhance the competitiveness of the Emirate and its private sector, and contribute to achieving the objectives of the Dubai Economic Agenda (D33).

Dubai Chamber of Commerce data showed that the number of new companies registered in its membership grew by 43%, bringing the total number to 30,146 companies in the first half of 2023 compared to 21,098 companies in the first half of 2022, which reflects Dubai’s attractiveness to companies and investors alike, and the growing position of The emirate as a leading global business destination.

The value of exports and re-exports of members grew by 7% in the first half of 2023, to reach 137.6 billion dirhams, compared to 129.4 billion dirhams in the first half of 2022. The Chamber also issued 357 thousand certificates of origin during the first half of 2023. It issued The state received 2,402 temporary entry books for goods and commodities at a value of 2.5 billion dirhams in the first half of 2023, compared to 2,326 temporary entry books for goods at a value of 1.2 billion dirhams during the same period last year, i.e. a growth rate of more than 108% in the value of goods and goods of entry books, and a percentage of A growth of 3.3% in the number of issued and received temporary admission books.

These figures reflect the Chamber’s efforts to support its members’ trade in traditional and new global markets, through external offices, various events, and specialized economic studies on trade opportunities.

Strategic priorities

Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Ghurair, Chairman of Dubai Chambers, said: “Our distinguished results for the first half of this year confirm that we have already succeeded in reaping the fruits of our unique business model, which is based on three specialized chambers of commerce operating under the umbrella of Dubai Chambers. We have been keen to achieve strategic priorities and align them with the objectives of the Dubai Economic Agenda (D33), which seeks to raise the status of the emirate, to become a global center for business, trade, tourism and investment.

Al Ghurair added: “The significant growth in the number of our new members reflects the size of the Chamber’s efforts to attract investments, while the growth in the value of exports and re-exports of our members shows the flexibility enjoyed by the emirate’s companies in expanding the scope of the target trade markets, in line with Dubai’s plan for foreign trade aimed at raising Its value will reach two trillion dirhams by 2026. We renew our commitment to investing our resources to build a future economy based on diversification and innovation, in line with the vision of the wise leadership of the emirate.

The Dubai Family Business Center inaugurated its activities by launching the Governance Series, which is a set of educational sessions on issues of concern to family businesses, including laws and governance that form the basis for good planning for leadership succession and the success of family businesses.

The number of laws and draft laws that the Chamber reviewed with business groups during the first half of 2018 amounted to 54 legislation, as part of its efforts to support the interests of the business community, while the number of mediation cases received by the Chamber reached 75 cases.

Sector supporting the interests of the business community

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce succeeded in establishing more than 100 business groups representing various sectors and economic activities in the emirate, in order to enhance the contribution of the private sector in setting, drawing and formulating policies and legislation related to the business environment, and enhancing the competitiveness of economic sectors, as the number of current business groups reached 105 business groups.

As part of its efforts to achieve its strategic priority of improving the business environment in the emirate, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce launched the “Business Sectors Platform”, which is an innovative package of qualitative services designed specifically to empower business groups and councils, meet their needs and support their activities, and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of its business. So far, 78 companies have benefited from it. .

The Business Community Support Sector organized more than 160 meetings with representatives of business groups and councils to discuss opportunities and challenges and discuss prospects for cooperation in various economic sectors and activities. The sector successfully organized and participated in 24 general assemblies of business groups and councils, while more than 1,300 companies benefited from 12 events and workshops organized during the first half of the year, while 8 seminars and virtual training sessions attracted 520 participants. The sector also held 82 meetings with various partners and stakeholders, including the Dubai Health Authority, the Ministry of Education, the Roads and Transport Authority, Dubai Police and the Community Development Authority.

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