Home / News / UAE / 30 million communication between “Human Resources and Emiratisation” and its clients during 2022 through its digital and electronic channels system

30 million communication between “Human Resources and Emiratisation” and its clients during 2022 through its digital and electronic channels system

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation revealed that it conducted about 30 million contacts with its customers during the year 2022, through the “Tawasul” system, achieving 91% in the two indicators of customer satisfaction, and closing notes within the specified time, in a step that reflects the continuous efforts to improve the quality of services and enhance channels of effective communication. And provide a smooth and integrated experience that ensures the happiness of customers.
The “Communication” system is the main umbrella of the Ministry in its relationship with customers and includes 12 channels and digital and electronic tools, including the call center 600590000, the “WhatsApp” service, the direct chat service via the website and the smart application, and the e-mail ask@mohre.gov.ae, to The side of the “Tawasul” platform in the Ministry’s offices, which allows video and audio calls with customers, the “Customer Voice” system, the “Customer Council” (or the “Customer First” forum), the account statement, as well as the Ministry’s accounts on the communication sites @mohre_uae, and the automated interactive response system, Awareness notices for employers and employees, and technical support service.
Aisha Belharfia, Assistant Undersecretary for Labor Affairs, said: “The Tawasul system follows the highest standards of quality and excellence in providing services around the clock, as the Ministry believes in the importance of prompt response to the requirements of all customers.” The system is based on a unified and secure technological structure and advanced mechanisms that ensure transparency and privacy, achieve customer satisfaction and happiness, keep pace with future trends and meet the requirements of the UAE government’s promise for future services.
She indicated that the human cadres that provide the Ministry’s services, through the “Tawasul” system, have been qualified with about 12,000 training hours, to ensure rapid response and provide distinguished service that meets the aspirations of all customers.
In light of the introduction of laws and decisions related to the labor market in 2022, “Tawasul” was the main interface for customers in responding to their inquiries and observations.
The call center dealt with one million and 900 thousand calls related to inquiries, suggestions and complaints, with the availability of the service in twenty languages, including three main and 17 sub-languages. While interactions through digital channels amounted to about half a million interactions through the “WhatsApp” service, e-mail, chat and the Ministry’s communication sites.
The Ministry sent about 24 million text and electronic messages to employers and workers, including awareness messages about labor market legislation and the services provided by the Ministry to both parties. The “Customer Voice” system received about 258,000 requests. About 3.5 million account statements were sent to employers, and it is a service provided by the Ministry on a monthly basis that includes an interactive report that informs employers of the data of their establishments proactively.
The Ministry held 27 digital sessions with different categories of customers through the “Customers Council” initiative.

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