Home / Finance & Business / Economic Indicators / 323 billion dirhams, the dividends of UAE companies in 9 years, the most generous banks with 140 billion dirhams since 2015

323 billion dirhams, the dividends of UAE companies in 9 years, the most generous banks with 140 billion dirhams since 2015

The value of cash dividends and bonus shares approved by shareholders in the general assemblies in the UAE stock markets during the past nine years amounted to about 323 billion dirhams, according to the Gulf survey on dividends.

The survey indicated that the total cash distributions approved by the listed companies to shareholders during the period between 2014 and 2022 are estimated at 309 billion dirhams, constituting about 95.7% of the total distributions.


The data showed that bonus share distributions were estimated at 13.8 billion dirhams, which constituted about 4.4% of the total dividends during the same period.

According to the survey, the dividends that were approved during the general assemblies held during the year 2022 (for the previous fiscal year) are considered the highest during the survey period between 2014 and 2022, which amounted to 42.25 billion dirhams, distributed between 41.99 billion dirhams in cash dividends, and 260 dirhams. One million dirhams, as bonus share distributions, then came the distributions that were approved in the year 2018 secondly, with a value of 42.24 billion dirhams, distributed between 41.95 billion dirhams as cash dividends, and 288 million dirhams as bonus share distributions.

The distributions that were approved during the general assemblies held in the year 2020 came in third place, with a value of 41.5 billion dirhams, distributed between 41.2 billion dirhams in cash distributions, and 313 million dirhams in bonus shares.

The “Gulf” survey indicated that banks were the most generous to their shareholders in terms of the value of cash distributions (not including bonus shares) during the past eight years, after they provided about 140 billion dirhams to shareholders for 8 financial years, and the largest of these cash distributions was Approved during the general assemblies of companies in the year 2022 for the fiscal year 2019.

The data indicated that the telecommunications sector came in second place with cash distributions amounting to 69.15 billion dirhams, and the distributions approved in 2021 for the year 2022 were the most generous with 11.7 billion dirhams.

The real estate sector came in third place, with cash distributions amounting to 29.98 billion dirhams, the largest of which was in 2018 with a value of 10.3 billion dirhams, for the fiscal year 2017.

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