Home / News / UAE / 621 million used mass transportation, shared transportation, and taxis in 2022, at a rate of (1.7) million passengers per day.

621 million used mass transportation, shared transportation, and taxis in 2022, at a rate of (1.7) million passengers per day.

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) announced that the number of users of mass transportation in Dubai, which includes the metro, tram and public transport buses, and marine transport: (abras, ferries, water taxis and water buses), and shared transport: (electronic reservation vehicles, smart rental, and buses on demand), And taxis (Dubai taxis and concession companies), reached about 621.4 million passengers in 2022, compared to about 461 million passengers in 2021, recording a growth of 35%, while the daily average number of users of mass transportation, shared transportation and taxi vehicles last year reached 1.7 million passengers, Compared to 1.3 million passengers in 2021.

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