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High school seniors.. Public education leads the locomotive, and female students sweep the top positions

The results of the high school seniors witnessed the leadership of general education for the locomotive of the top achievers, as there were 9 students in the list of the first, including 4 from general education, 3 from applied technology, and 2 from private education. Females also outperformed males in the list of the first; Where the list included 8 female students compared to one male.

After an academic year full of challenges and serious efforts, the high school seniors celebrated their achievements that reflect their abilities and academic excellence. They placed themselves in the list of the best and topped the rankings at the state level, so that the achievement becomes a source of pride that leads them enthusiastically to the university level.

Layan Ahmed: Design is the basis of excellence

The student, Layan Ahmed Al-Tamimi, a high school senior from the Wardiya Private School in Abu Dhabi, expressed her happiness at topping the list of distinction and obtaining this result, noting that if a person is determined and trusts in God and sets his goal before Him, he will reach excellence.

She said that she was able to achieve her ambition despite being exposed to a health crisis that required a back surgery, calling on her fellow students not to have the fear of the secondary stage and to deal with it as any academic year, but seriously and looking at priorities, stressing that commitment, time management, diligence and seriousness are the most important reasons. distinguish it.

She drew attention to the role of her family in providing her with moral and psychological support, in addition to following up on the school continuously, and their communication with her, and their knowledge of her honorable result.

Ahmed Al-Tamimi, the father of the student, Layan, expressed his happiness at announcing his daughter on the list of the top twelfth general, explaining that his daughter was superior throughout her school years, her desire to study interior design and decoration and is heading to the American University in Dubai.

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